Republican Cosmo: Accessorizing Well 0
Desperate Republicans are starting to speak of writing in Mike Pence for President. Ignoring that Pence is an ideologue incompetent at governance, attempting to paint him as a virtuous alternative to Donald Trump is a daunting task; consider the company he keeps.
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If you close your eyes to sin, you are one with the sinner. If you attempt to excuse the sin, you are worse than the sinner, because you know better and do not act.
The “harsh truth” (one of my college friends was very fond of that phrase) is that, so long as Republicans countenance–indeed, applaud and propagate–not nice conduct, they cannot legitimately claim to be nice people or representatives of niceness–as if questions of legitimacy have stopped them in the past or will stop them in future. The only legitimacy they question is that of elected Democratic Presidents.
The whole damn Republican party is a gang of accessories before, during, and after the fact of not-niceness. They are certainly fashionable, as Republicans do so like to accessorize.
They claim to represent niceness, of course, just as the used car salesman claims that the junker in front of you is a creampuff. That car is still a junker, and Republicans are still not nice.