Trumpling Truth 0
Bill Leuders marvels at the Republican Fantasy Land. A snippet; do read the rest:
The Trump backer, Allan Thiel, complains “people aren’t being taught history anymore” and “they’ve dumbed everybody down.” As if to prove the point, he elaborates, “Our country has never had any problems for the last 200 years. We’ve never had a problem with guns or racism until the last eight years.”
The article continues, “To simply grade the accuracy of Thiel’s statements misses the point, because Thiel’s beliefs do matter. They show up in double digits in national polls and belong to a reality shared by many Trump supporters.”
No, what we as a nation must do is insist that truth matters.
In related news, a while ago, Chauncey Devega released a podcast–I’m just getting around to it–in which he interviews Nicholas Stargardt, an Australian historian who teaches at Oxford. Devega starts the interview asking how the American politics appear from across the Big Pond. “Crazy,” is the answer.
Stargardt goes on to state that even the craziest European politician would not try to swim in the fact-free, falsehood infested pond in which the Republican Party and its followers splash. Follow the link and listen; the interview starts at approximately the 15-minute mark.