A Common Thread 0
Shaun Mullen finds an eerie similarity in certain recent events. Here’s a snippet:
We also were told to buck up and move on when:
- The Reagan administration secretly sent weapons to Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism, in 1985 as part of the Iran-Contra scheme. Reagan couldn’t be impeached, we were told, because America was still getting over Nixon and Watergate although only a few years later Bill Clinton would be impeached for a blowjob.
- The Supreme Court in 2000 jumped the extra-constitutional shark and meddled in a presidential election, ruling that the winner was George Bush, who “won” because the Republican-controlled election apparatus in Florida was as fixed as the high court majority turned out to be.
- The very moral foundations of our democracy were subverted by a secret post-9/11 program of dark-site prisons and the use of Nazi torture techniques no matter if the victims weren’t terrorists, which they often were not. This yielded no valid intelligence but did tank America’s standing abroad.
Is it merely a coincidence that all of these outrages were perpetrated by Republicans?
Do please read the rest.