From Pine View Farm

Days of Future Passwords 0

Man reading about the recent news of yet another Yahoo hack:  I wish I could talk to the hackers.  Woman:  To express your frustration?  Man:  To get all the passwords I've forgotten.

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Avoid forgotten passwords: Use a password vault.* I recommend KeePassX. It’s cross-platform (Windows, Mac, and Linux and Unix, including the BSDs) and compatible with KeePassDroid on your Android phone. If you update the database on one machine, you can just copy it to the others to keep them all up-to-date.

It does not require you to sign up for some online service, trust your passwords to the cloud somebody else’s server, or add a plugin to your browser or be restricted to a particular browser or GUI envirnoment. It just lies there on your own computer safeguarding your passwords; the only password you need to remember is the KeePassX password.


*The review at the link contains a factual error about KeePassX. The author states

. . . in order to sync your passwords across devices, you’ll have to upload your encrypted password file with an online storage service like DropBox or Google Drive.

No, you do not have to use DropBox or Google Drive. You can use an application such as AirDroid or ES File Explorer which allows you to connect to other computers in your home network via your local wireless connection to transfer your files.


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