From Pine View Farm

December, 2016 archive

Going Rogue One 0

A former employee of a Florida vending machine company dressed up in a Chewbacca costume and stole money from a pair of kiosks he previously maintained, according to cops who arrested the “Star Wars” devotee for grand theft.

Guess he figured he wouldn’t be noticed . . . .


The Poisoning of Flint, Reprise 0

The no account just can’t be held accountable.


The Victory Celebrations Continue 0

Trumpkins celebrate in Oregon.


Suffer the Children 0



Logan Pearsall Smith:

A virtuous king is a king who has shirked his proper function — to embody for his subjects an ideal of illustrious misbehaviour absolutely beyond their reach.


And Now for Something Completely Different 0

She’s billed as a country and western singer, but this is pure R&B.

Via systemau.


Carolina Coup d’Etat, One More Time 0

Via C&L.


The Bully’s Pulpit 0

TPM points out that the Great Shakedown is under way.


The Other Victims of “Fake News” 0

Seattlepi reports on the family of a man whose picture was stolen, falsely labeled (and libeled), and used in a “fake news” story.

It is not pretty, but it does make this clear: those who create and propagate “fake news” (AKA “lies”) don’t care who they hurt, nor how badly they hurt them.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness promotes pediatric precociousness.

A 3-year-old boy has been shot at a home on the southwest side of Tucson, authorities said. . . .

According to Tucson police, a 7-year-old boy found a gun and shot the other child. Bay said it appears the shooting was accidental.


Mammonfacturing Tradition 0

From the Bangor Daily News comes Stephen Carter’s short history of American Christmas. A nugget; follow the link for the rest.

It’s important to understand that Christmas as celebrated in the U.S. did not begin as a religious holiday. It was, in the words of historian Stephen Nissenbaum, an “invented tradition.” In his marvelous book “The Battle for Christmas,” Nissenbaum reminds us that Christmas in the 18th and 19th centuries began as something raucous, an atmosphere of carnival and misrule. People misbehaved, openly and ostentatiously. The churches wanted nothing to do with it, and the Puritans even tried to ban it. But the forces of commerce and domesticity were too great to resist. Children wanted presents, and grownups wanted to relax and celebrate. And so, gradually, the churches gave in.

Our current struggles over the holiday should not be viewed as the inevitable waning of the sacred and the triumph of the secular. It’s more accurate to say that the secularization of Christmas that so many claim to hate represents a return to the old days.


All that Was Old Is New Again, Throwing Granny under the Bus Dept. 0

Thom points out, almost in passing, a truism: “Big lies are always based on small facts.”


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Henry A. Giroux sees a dark future of reaction and repression in the United States. Here’s snippet:

In increasingly overt ways, racism is becoming the major ideological force for establishing terror as a weapon of governance. Not only did Trump make “law and order” a central motif of his presidential campaign, he also amplified its meaning in his attacks on the Black Lives Matter movement and his depiction of Black neighborhoods as cauldrons of criminal behavior.

The repressive racial state is certain to intensify and expand under Jeff Sessions — a strong advocate of mass incarceration and the death penalty, and a white nationalist spokesman for the Old South. The Nation’s Ari Berman observes that Sessions is “the fiercest opponent in the Senate of immigration reform, a centerpiece of Trump’s agenda, and has a long history of opposition to civil rights, dating back to his days as a US Attorney in Alabama in the 1980s.”

Sessions has a long history of racist rhetoric, insults and practices, including opposing the Voting Rights Act and addressing a Black lawyer as “boy.”

Much, much more at the link.



Anne Sullivan:

It’s queer how ready people always are with advice in any real or imaginary emergency, and no matter how many times experience has shown them to be wrong, they continue to set forth their opinions, as if they had received them from the Almighty!


Facts Are What People Think 2

Zandar cites a study that shows over half of Republicans thinks that Donald Trump won the popular vote, when in fact it lost it by approximately three million; he finds this disconnect from reality disturbing. A snippet:

Please remember this the next time you feel like saying “If only Hillary Clinton had talked more about jobs and economy!” or “I can’t believe Trump voters voted against their own self-interest!” The facts simply didn’t matter in 2016. It was a cult of personality, pure and simple. And the cult won.

It was never about jobs, or the economy, or the facts. It was about assembling like-minded individuals into an army to destroy those unlike them. It’s the definition of a cult.

The Cult now in fact rules the entire federal government, and most states. When the reality of the damage that they cause settles in, the Cult will simply convince America that the Others are the problem. The Others have to go. The rest of you? Join the Cult or else.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Pals play politely.

Wichita police Lt. Jason Stephens said Monday that it appears Nautica Whittker fired at herself unintentionally while she and other teens were playing with a shotgun in the basement of a house in the 1300 block of North Erie around 2:15 a.m.


“There aren’t any charges being brought against anyone right now,” Stephens said. “We no longer have a statute that really covers securing or the proper securing of weapons or things like that.”


Droning On, Facebook Frolics Dept. 0

El Reg reports that Zuckerborg’s junior bird men don’t seem to be doing so well.

Facebook’s plans to beam internet access from drones has crashed, literally, after the company revealed the first flight of its “Aquila” craft ended with a bang.

The United States’s National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) late last week published a report about the incident that says “On June 28, 2016, at 0743 mountain standard time, the Facebook Aquila unmanned aircraft, N565AQ, experienced an inflight structural failure on final approach near Yuma, Arizona. The aircraft was substantially damaged.”


Twilight Zone of the Vanities 0

Rekha Basu shares her nightmare of a Gordon Gekko world:.

Lately I’ve been having the strangest dream, in which every core value I hold as absolute is obsolete: The social compact between a people and their government has been replaced by an underground pipeline carrying resources from the least of us to the wealthiest. Public service has become a means to personal enrichment. Instead of a leadership that serves the needs of the whole, the people serve the needs of an oligarchy.

Follow the link for the rest, if you dare.


The Beast and the Blightest 0

Title:  Trump's Latest Cabinet Picks.  Image:  Pinnochio, Secretary of Truth; Nutcracker,  Secretary of Nuts; Grinch, Secretary of Christmas.

Click to see the image at its original location.


No Place To Hide 0

In the snares of the snaring economy:

In a declaration in support of his suit, Ward Spangenberg, 45, states he reported to Uber higher-ups that the company’s “lack of security regarding its customer data was resulting in Uber employees being able to track high profile politicians, celebrities, and even personal acquaintances of Uber employees, including ex-boyfriends/girlfriends, and ex-spouses.”

Spangenberg, who was hired by Uber in March 2015 as a forensic investigator, goes on to say, “Uber collected data regarding every ride a user requested, their username, the location the ride was requested from, the amount they paid, the device used to request the ride, the name and email of the customer, and a myriad of other data that the user may or may not know they were even providing Uber by requesting a ride.”

And that’s just for starts.

Uber, natch, is shocked! just shocked! that anyone would think there is gambling in their establishment . . . .
