From Pine View Farm

December, 2016 archive

What’s Next? 0

Two men in office in upper floor of skyscraper look out the window to see the head of a giant pigeon.  One says to the other,

Click to see the image at its original location.

(As for the question in the title, I don’t want to know.)


Twits on Twitter 0

Unpresidented twits.

If only it were so. . . .



Friedrich Schiller:

The voice of the majority is no proof of justice.


Truth Is Stranger . . . . 0

Caption:  Sometime in the '90s.  Image:  Man in robe carrying placard that says,

Via Job’s Anger.


Trumpling Women 0

Writing at the Bangor Daily News, Alex Steed, father of a daughter, has a suggestion for Donald Trump’s supporters:

What I do suggest, though, is this exercise. If you voted for Trump, find a woman you love, someone for whom you have hopes and dreams, someone whose safety you want to ensure. Look her in the eyes and say, “I voted for the guy who said it was OK to sexually assault you.”

Follow the link to find out why he said that.

And, in related news . . . .


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Demonstrate courtesy when cruising the nation’s byways.

A 3-year-old boy was shot and killed during an apparent road rage incident in Little Rock, Arkansas on Saturday when his grandmother took him shopping, police said. . . .

The grandmother was at a stop sign when a confrontation ensued, police said.

A motorist behind the woman grew agitated that she was not moving quickly, Little Rock Police Department spokesman Lt. Steven McClanahan said.

He started honking his horn. He got out of his car and fired shots inside the woman’s car, police said.

Thus passeth another day in NRA paradise.


Light Bloggery 0

It’s 72 Fahrenheits here in mid-December (after temps in the 20s two days ago–who says climate change isn’t real?), and I’m taking it easy.


The Pet 0

Caption:  An elephant never forgets.  Image One:  Trump says,

Via Juanita Jean.


Days of Future Passwords 0

Man reading about the recent news of yet another Yahoo hack:  I wish I could talk to the hackers.  Woman:  To express your frustration?  Man:  To get all the passwords I've forgotten.

Click to see the image at its original location.

Avoid forgotten passwords: Use a password vault.* I recommend KeePassX. It’s cross-platform (Windows, Mac, and Linux and Unix, including the BSDs) and compatible with KeePassDroid on your Android phone. If you update the database on one machine, you can just copy it to the others to keep them all up-to-date.

It does not require you to sign up for some online service, trust your passwords to the cloud somebody else’s server, or add a plugin to your browser or be restricted to a particular browser or GUI envirnoment. It just lies there on your own computer safeguarding your passwords; the only password you need to remember is the KeePassX password.


*The review at the link contains a factual error about KeePassX. The author states

. . . in order to sync your passwords across devices, you’ll have to upload your encrypted password file with an online storage service like DropBox or Google Drive.

No, you do not have to use DropBox or Google Drive. You can use an application such as AirDroid or ES File Explorer which allows you to connect to other computers in your home network via your local wireless connection to transfer your files.



Nora Ephron:

That’s the truest sign of insanity — insane people are always sure they’re just fine. It’s only the sane people who are willing to admit they’re crazy.


Carolina Coup d’Etat, Reprise 0

This is really quite appalling. One can make a convincing argument that today’s Republican Party no longer believes in truth, justice, or the American way.


All that Was Old Is New Again 0

Robert Reich.

Just read it.


Practice Makes Perfect 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Lydia Denworth considers a recent study of proficiency in perfidy. Here’s the gist; more at the link:

Once we start lying, the extent of our dishonesty increases over time. And when that happens, our brain begins to tamp down its emotional response to our own immoral behavior, signaling in effect that lying is no big deal. That makes it easier to lie again … and again . . . and again. (Perhaps that explains some of what happened on the campaign trail this year.)


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Play with your partner politely.

A 22-year-old Everett man is facing manslaughter charges after he says he accidentally shot his girlfriend in their Everett apartment Thursday night.

According to a report by KCPQ-TV in Seattle based on court records, Jonathan ‘John’ Duncan told officers he was playing with a handgun when it “went off” striking the unidentified woman in the chest. She later died at an area hospital.


Chaos in the Cabinet 0

Donald Trump as the Cat in the Cap (that says

I reckon that it is fitting that a reality show star would assemble a reality show cabinet full of cranks, nutcases, has-beens, and never-weres, calculated to cause maximum chaos while creating continuing crises for each succeeding episode.

Image via Job’s Anger.


The Vivaldi Browser 0

I used the Opera browser from version 3, which I think was the first version released to the public, up until they kicked out their founder in their quest for mammon. When I started using it, I was hanging out in an HTML newsgroup because I was working on my first website, and the regulars there had great respect for Opera for its attempts to remain as standards-compliant as possible. (This was in the early days of Microsoft Internet Exploder, when Microsoft was attempting to turn the world wide web into something that worked only in Windows.)

Opera was my go-to browser, email client, and RSS reader for over a decade. Opera invented many features that have since been adapted by other, better-known applications, including tabbed windows and mouse gestures.

When I took a look at the new Opera for Windows a couple of years or so ago, I decided I wanted nothing more to do with it. Many of the features that made me an Opera loyalist were gone, including the integrated email and RSS feeds and the rich granular configurability.

I have since used Seamonkey and Firefox and found them satisfactory, but a bit clunky, and I quite like Seamonkey’s integration of browser, mail client, RSS reader, etc.

Recently, I have been using Vivaldi; the Vivaldi project is led Jon von Tetzchner, the deposed president of Opera. I find Vivaldi nimble and responsive. It still has some growing to do, but, frankly, right now, I’m all in for Vivaldi because my decade or more of using Opera has given me reason to trust the work of Jon von Tetzchner.

If you want to learn more about users’ experiences with Vivaldi, you can read my thread at Linux Questions.


Carolina Coup d’Etat 0

Republicans in North Carolina demonstrate that they no longer believe in elections as they attempt to neuter the governorship because their guy didn’t win.

One more time, any experiment can fail, even a noble one.


Chartering a Course for Disaster 0

Kim Shroeder, President of the Milwaukee Teachers Education Association, warns of the Devostiture of public education.



Samuel Taylor Coleridge:

Silence does not always mark wisdom.


And Now, a Change of Pace 0
