From Pine View Farm

December, 2016 archive

Election Hacks 0

Donald Trump as Pied Piper followed by flock of corporate television media cameras enthralled by  his every note from his flute.

Via Job’s Anger.


Sacrificing Children for Money: the Poisoning of Flint 0


Digital Pravda? 2

Badtux takes to the command line to track down Wikileaks.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

In a column that starts out in a rather silly way, Josh Gohlke winds to an important point: the Electoral College is a legacy of America’s original sin of chattel slavery. A nugget:

It seems the college has acquired a degree of unearned veneration despite its tainted origins, which tie it to an even more abhorrent constitutional chimera, the compromise that allowed the Southern states to count each slave as three-fifths of a person for the purposes of congressional representation. Because each state gets as many electoral votes as members of Congress, the college enabled the future Confederacy to derive power from its enslaved population in presidential elections.

Now that legacy is about to pay off for the Secesh.


Scary Headlines 0

Man reading newspaper with headlines like

Click to see the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness builds strong marriages.

Startled, when the wife returned to the bedroom, the husband accidentally fired his weapon thinking his wife was an intruder.

The bullet grazed the wife’s ear and caused no serious injury.

Thus passeth another day in NRA paradise.


“Reagan on Steroids” (or on Koch) 0



Douglas Adams:

I think a nerd is a person who uses the telephone to talk to other people about telephones. And a computer nerd therefore is somebody who uses a computer in order to use a computer.


Geeking Out 0

For a brief moment, my Windows 7 VirtualBox virtual machine and my Slackware desktop showed the same wallpaper (that’s “background” in Linuxspeak).

screenshot of Windows virtual machine and host showing the same wallpaper.


All the News that Fits, Reprise 0

Scott Lemieux argues convincingly that the fuss over “fake news” is overblown. He points out that, by and large, viral “fake news” stories preach to the converted. He sees corporate “real news” as the real problem. A snippet:

To summarize the media’s performance in the election campaign that installed Donald Trump in the White House, its coverage of his opponent was completely dominated by trivial pseudo-scandals, and the quality of the coverage given these topics was extraordinarily bad. There is no possible defense of this, no conceivable argument that Hillary Clinton’s email server management was far more important that every policy issue but together, no possible justification for the implicit claim that the Clinton Foundation was similarly corrupt to one of Donald Trump’s many actual cons including his actual fake foundation. This is just a huge institutional failure with disastrous consequences.

Follow the link; the whole thing is a three-minute read that is well worth your while.


Priorities 0

Image One:  Donald Trump saying,

Click to see a larger image.


All the News that Fits 0

At the San Francisco Chronicle, Edward Wasserman tries to draw some lessons from the corporate media’s coverage of the recent election. Here they are:

  • Exposure trumps substance.
  • Evenhandedness has its limits.
  • Covering politics isn’t just covering politicians.

Follow the link for his explication of each one.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

A polite society is a clean society.

Bartholomew County Coroner Larry Fisher, who had attended school with the victim in North Vernon, said he pronounced Sporleder dead at the scene from an accidental gunshot wound to the chest. Sporleder was cleaning guns in the home with his son when the accidental shooting happened, Fisher said.

If you are cleaning a gun without first making sure it’s unloaded, that’s not an “accident.” That’s negligence.


The Art of the Con 0



Exorcism 0

Thoreau points out that “you can’t unsummon the demons.”

Follow the link.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

Still under 300k.

Jobless claims fell by 4,000 to a three-week low of 254,000 in the period ended Dec. 10, a report from the Labor Department showed Thursday.

Claims have stayed below the 300,000 level for 93 consecutive weeks, the longest stretch since 1970 and typically consistent with an improving job market.


The number of people continuing to receive jobless benefits rose by 11,000 to 2.02 million in the week ended Dec. 3. The unemployment rate among people eligible for benefits held at 1.5 percent. These data are reported with a one-week lag.

Enjoy it while it lasts, folks.


Strange Bedfellows 0

Donald Trump as bridegroom carrying USA as bride across the threshold of the honeymoon suite, as Vladimir Putin awaits in the bed.

Click to see the original image.



Malcolm Forbes:

A bore: Someone who persists in holding to his own views after we have enlightened him with ours.


Everybody Must Get Fracked 0


In Brief 0

Donald Trump walks away from Daily Intelligence Briefing saying,

Click to see the original image.

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