January, 2017 archive
Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses
Oh, Forget It
In the true spirit of Trumpery and the Republican Party, this is just mean for the sake of mean.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Play politely.
The victim’s brother told police that he witnessed the shooting, and saw 20-year-old Ulises Sanchez holding a gun when it went off, striking the victim in the chest. He reportedly told police that appeared to him that the shooting was accidental.
. . . and another gun that fires itself.
“As Is” 0
Shorter Dick Polman: In the soul biz, all sales are final.
Tales of the Tarheel Potty Patrol 0
A reminder to Texas and other states whose Republicans have a pervy preoccupation with what goes on behind closed stalls:
Via Job’s Anger.
Trump Beta 0
Alex Steed argues that the tenure of Maine’s openly racist Governor LePage is a preview of the Trumpling. He is not optimistic, though he finds the continuing protests a reason for hope. Here is a bit:
Don’t keep waiting for Trump to do something so outrageous people will wake up. They won’t.
“Can You Give Me Sanctuary . . . .” 0
A lawyer looks at Donald Trump’s action on “sanctuary cities” and finds it to be–er–of questionable legality. A snippet (this is one of the milder bits):
Spin Cycle 0
An ex-corporate spin-meister discusses how “spin” differs from “lies” and marvels at the multiplication of mendacity. A couple of nuggets (emphasis added):
But let’s say that beyond emphasizing just one figure and de-emphasizing another, to try to “help” our company I decided to unilaterally claim that Assets Under Management were up 10 percent, not 1 percent. That’s not spinning. That’s lying. You can’t do that. At least not for long. . . .
Today lying has been elevated to a renegade art form. We call it Fake News. (I’d rather call it Real Lying.) In a year of troubling trends, no trend is more troubling to me than the everyday casualness with which folks in power, or seeking power, ignore facts or make up their own when real facts don’t suit their needs.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Walk politely.
Deputies learned the man lost control of his vehicle and it rolled. He began walking toward a friend’s house, but slipped on the icy road, fell and briefly lost consciousness after hitting his head. The man explained he was armed with a handgun which accidentally discharged during the fall, striking him in the arm.
Had he been packing, no doubt this would not have happene–oh, wait.
Treadmill Hamster Cage to Oblivion
Shorter Booman: This is nuts and can’t go on.
I fear implosions–or I hope to God not but would not be surprised, explosions–are closer than I thought.
Garrison Keilor suggested the other day that Republicans did this and they need to fix it.
Yeah. Good luck with that.