Homer Had the Catalog of Ships.
Trump Has the Catalog of Lies.
TPM catalogs the biggest lies in Trump’s Time Magazine interview.
Image via C&L, which explores the ways in which conservatives strive to avoid and deny the truth about the Trumpling of America. (Excerpt below the fold.)
And, boy howdy, the pews have been packed and the collection plates overflowing ever since!
And for the Great Unwashed party base they created the Fabulous, Tea-Baggulous Bush-Off Machine. Where…
For the price of their souls and a couple of bucks
The Bush-Bellies could now buy some nips and some tucks.
But now there is no time or money for such craftsmanship. Now, there is just an urgent need on the part of Beltway elite to get as far away from the Trumpocalypse as fast as possible, which is why “respectable” Conservatives and Both Siderists in the media are now frantically trying to pretend that, somehow, Trump is not a Republican. and that “Trumpism” is some bizarre anomaly which no one could possibly have seen coming, and not the logical and obvious apotheosis of a Party and Movement which they have spent the last 30 years building.