From Pine View Farm

March, 2017 archive

When Does a Pot Become a Kettle? 0

Josh Marshall wonders just how “unsubstantiated” an “allegation” must be for the media to call it a lie.


Sit Down and Shut Up 0


Teamwork 0

Donald Trump says,

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Engage yourself with being polite.

Messner released the handgun’s magazine and thought he cycled the action on the gun to remove the bullet from the chamber, according to the sergeant. But the bullet did not clear the gun’s chamber, and Messner’s finger depressed the trigger, causing it to fire and hit Rogers in the upper torso.



Andre Malraux:

The sons of torture victims make good terrorists.


Cafeteria Lines 0

Title:  Republicans to eliminate wasteful school lunch for the poor.  Image:  Schoolboy holding cafeteria tray surrounded by plutocrats says,

Via Job’s Anger.


Monetizing the Public Good 0

Virginia’s previous governor was a Republican. Accordingly, one of his core beliefs, as illustrated through his actions, was that there is no such thing as the public good.

When he looked at a big pile of public good, he saw dollar signs, something to be monetized, not something to be husbanded with stewardship. He saw the bridges and tunnels which for years had been free to cross and heard the ring of cash registers (remember cash registers?). He imposed tolls and sold the tolling rights to a private firm for 70 years because God forbid that government should provide services to citizens, when instead it can bleed them dry.

In a long report in today’s issue, my local rag documents the toll of the tolls. Here’s a snippet from the story of one the persons interviewed for the report (emphasis added).

Takeisha Reynolds owes more than $15,000 for commuting to a job that paid $11,000 last year.

She bought an E-ZPass transponder three years ago, when Elizabeth River Crossings began tolling the underwater tubes that link her home in Portsmouth to work in Norfolk. But she wasn’t making enough money to fund the account. A few months later, she faced a choice: tame the flurry of tolls, or pay for groceries, gas and rent.

The ERC invoices piled up fast. What started as a stack of small bills – $10, $20, $30 – became an impossible debt.

“It was already hard for me without tolls to pay for regular bills. Then you put this on me and tell me I have to pay this or I can’t go to work,” Reynolds said as she sifted through a drawer stuffed with statements. “I’m just stuck.”

Words fail me.


A Picture Is Worth 0

Photo of Angela Merkel and Donald Trump with satirical dialog.  Angela Merkel to Donald Trump:  What did I tell you about hiring Nazis.  Donald Trump:  Not to.  Angela Merkel:  What did you do?  Donald Trump:  Hired Nazis.

Via Balloon Juice.


Race in the Presidential Race 0

The discussion does not accept the poll’s result uncritically, but does dig into the methodology and possible flaws in the poll.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

Trump cries

Via Juanita Jean.


Institution Flailure 0

Josh Marshall steps back for a closer look at the Trump wiretapping scamdal. A snippet:

The real story here is that the President, by force of his office and audacity, was able to inject into the national conversation a preposterous claim which the country has spent two weeks debating. True, most people may not believe it. But virtually everyone has gone through the motions of probing the question as though they might be true. Intelligence communities have been briefed, statements have been made, a number of news conferences have been dominated by it. Perhaps most notably, members of his party have only been willing to say that there is as yet no evidence to back up the President’s claims – not that they are obviously false and represent a major problem in themselves.

I would say that this ability – both the President’s pathological lying and our institution’s inability to grapple with it – is the big, big story. The particulars of the accusation basically pale in comparison.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Rear your children in an atmosphere of politeness.

Two 3-year-old children were exiting a vehicle when one of the children found a gun inside the vehicle and shot himself in the hand, according to police. The bullet also struck the other child in the side.


Trumpling the Budget 0

Figure representing American soldier to child in hellscape of a poor U. S. neighborhood:

Via C&L.



Louisa May Alcott:

It takes very little fire to make a great deal of smoke nowadays, and notoriety is not real glory.


Jabba the Cat 0

Cat in Jabba the Hut pose on chair

. . . because the internet needs another cat picture.


Twits on Twitter 0

Bigly twits.

We are doomed.


All the News that Fits 0


Walleyed 0

The Seattle Times reports on one outfit bidding to work on Trump’s stupid wall of hate. A snippet:

Take “Trump Wall Solutions,” a firm ostensibly based in Toronto, Canada, which has signed up as an “interested vendor” in response to a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) online solicitation.

The company’s listed principal? That would be Albert Speer, the Nazi war criminal who was Adolf Hitler’s personal architect. Speer, who designed the infamous Nazi party rally grounds in Nuremberg, died in 1981.

Trump Wall Solutions is actually a small group of Canadian pranksters mortified by the Trump administration and the border-wall plan, according to two men involved in the project who spoke with The Seattle Times by phone Friday.


Ryan’s Derp, Return of Beyond the Palin Dept. 0

David Ruth explains that fantastical things sometimes come to pass.

It seems former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was right after all. There really is such a thing as a death panel. It’s called Congress.

This is probably the inevitable result when laws are cooked up by a speaker of the House of Representatives who has treated the post as if he is president of the Ayn Rand Society.

More at the link.


A Ruse by Any Other Name, Reprise 0

Donald Trump says,

Via Job’s Anger.
