April, 2017 archive
Election PM 2
Shaun Mullen, in a lengthy post, cites ways in which he believes Hillary Clinton contributed to her own loss. I’m excerpting perhaps the most perjorative portion of his post, which in its entirely is rather balanced, because I want to disagree with it.
And while I’m piling on, what did Clinton stand for? Why was she running for president? Beyond “because it’s my turn,” I still have not been able to suss out a plausible answer, and neither could the staffers calling the shots in a presidential campaign so atrociously run that it resembled a Kafka-esque comedy minus the laughs unless you consider the consequence — a Trump presidency — to be funny.
I found it quite clear what Hillary Clinton stood for: moderation, sanity, and continued progress on the economy and human rights. So she is not an ideologue; generally, ideologues do not fare well in American national elections, whether the ideologue is, just to pick two, George Wallace or Bernie Sanders. (As for Donald Trump, though he sounds like an ideologue to please his base, his actions indicate that, if he idealizes anything, it’s TV ratings; he is a hollow man, a blowhard who says whatever he thinks his audience of the moment wants to hear.)
Life Imitates Art 0
Badtux goes to the movies.
It’s Showtime! 0
Werner Herzog’s Bear suggests that Trumpery is all about the spectacle. A snippet:
Trump’s obsession with spectacle continues. He still attacks “fake news” even in interviews with the AP and other mainstream news outlets that give him a platform. In his most recent interview he has infamously gloated about how his ratings on cable news were the highest since 9/11. He has defended Sean Spicer’s ineptitude by citing his “ratings” as well. He dropped the much-promoted “Mother Of All Bombs” in a military operation that was more spectacle that war. He has called the entire Senate to come be briefed by him in what is likely a photo-op rather than a national security summit.
Trump is a medicine show, and persons bought enough snake oil to blow up the world.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Get a load of the politeness.
The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office said Monday that 55-year-old Darryl Rudolph was in a storage room fixing items at Sugar D’s Adult Club in West Palm Beach on Friday when another worker moved a gun off a shelf in an adjacent room and it fired.
Just another day in NRA Paradise.
Neolinguistics 0
At The Roanoke Times, John Long updates the glossary. A snippet:
• “I don’t know what time it is. I left my phone in the car.”*
• “I wanted to take a picture but I didn’t have enough memory.”
• “I got a discount on my cup of coffee! Only four bucks!”
• “I wanted to finish my book today, but the battery died.”
More neologisms at the link.
*That’s mine.
I haven’t worn a watch since that day about 10 years ago when I was at a job site discussing with three other folks about my age when to schedule a demonstration of something. After someone said, “What time is good?” all three of us pulled out our cell phones to check the time . . . .
Meta: Now You See It, Now You Don’t 0
If you were here long enough to see posts appearing and disappearing, it was happening because I was testing to find out what about certain posts was making my sidebar disappear.
Lost in a Lost World 0
Over reliance on a GPS device may be hazardous to your brain.
(I knew there was a reason to like maps besides that they are fun to look at.)
Chartering a Course for Disaster 0
The Florida legislature works on new plans to convert the public good to private theft profit.
The Court Is in Sessions 0
Will Bunch has more. A snippet:
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Politeness is going to the dogs.
According to police, one of the individuals walking allegedly tried to shoot the attacking dog using a legally permitted gun, but accidentally shot another person they were walking with in the lower extremity.
Work Stoppage 0
Josh Marshall marvels at Trump’s threats to Trumple the govenment. A snippet:
This looks for all the world that the Republican Party is ready to secede, if not de jure, then certainly de facto.
More at the link.