April, 2017 archive
Damn Computers 0
Expect you to obey the rules.
Grumble grumble grumble.
Most of the posts I had lined up for today don’t seem to be visible. There were several posts between “Career Move” and “And Now for Something Completely Different.” Figuring this out requires parsing the syntax of each one.
It seems to have something to do with this embed, for it and the some of the posts following it are not visible. Then posts are visible again. I previewed each post individually and each one worked, so it’s definitely something meta.
Blogging can be a most annoying avocation.
American Taliban, Money Changers in the Temple Dept. 0
Dana Milbank discusses right-wing “Christians” attempt to raid the public purse.
These theocrats have redefined “we are oppressed” to mean “we are not getting our way.”
Heading Off Spam 0
Brian Krebs explains how to .
This is required reading.
I got a dollar to a doughnut that most persons don’t even know that emails have headers.
Via Schneir on Security.
Bob-Bob-Bobbing Along 0
Reg Henry tells of his friend Bob, who, due to his admiration of Donald Trump’s “America First,” has adopted a policy of “Bob First.” He reports that it’s not working out well.
A snippet:
If she has her sister over for dinner, he doesn’t wait for anybody else to be served but grabs the food first and starts eating first, as his policy dictates. He threatens to start charging her rent to live in the house.
His friends are not happy either. He always grabs the prime spot on the couch when they watch a football game on TV — and he eats all the potato chips and won’t fetch anyone a beer. When he plays golf, Bob always hits the ball first and to heck with the etiquette. Bob follows a policy which is all about Bob.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
The hunt for politeness continues.
“The shooter swore he’d seen strutting toms and some other turkeys right up until then.”
But in reality, he’d been looking at a gobbler’s preserved tail fan, behind which Gary Dienst and Justin Wiles had been hiding and sneaking. The shooter was behind another fan. Bussone said the hunters ended up hunting each other.
Actual wild turkeys are smarter than these turkeys. They can tell the difference between turkeys and humans . . . . .
Inside Derp 2
Josh Marshall muses about Bill O’Reilly’s last ditch strategy to keep his job at Fox News: to claim that he was the victim of an insidious liberal conspiracy, when, in fact, the campaign to get him fired was overt and public. Indeed, as Marshall points out, maximum publicity was its strategy. A snippet (emphasis added):
All the News that Fits 0
In the wake of Bill O’Reilly’s departure from Fox News, Ben Boychuck of the Sacramento Bee reflects on his choice to eschew television news. A snippet:
“Never, ever watch television news,” Bradbury said. “Especially local news. You’ll think the world is coming to an end.”
I can’t remember the last time I watched television news (except for looking at pictures during a snowstorm0. Life is too short.