May, 2017 archive
Ryan’s Derp 0
Leonard Pitts, Jr., explores the deep hypocrisy of “thoughtful conservatives.”
Which offers an interesting context to news that House Speaker Paul Ryan was pointedly snubbed last week by a group of eighth-graders. Students from South Orange Middle School in New Jersey were on a field trip to Washington, D.C., when they were offered a chance to take a picture with Ryan, often posited as the most thoughtful of thoughtful conservatives.
Dozens of them declined. The reason, as student Matthew Malespina explained to The Washington Post: Ryan is a man “who puts his party before his country.”
Some observes have huffed that, had this happened to Barack Obama, it would have been called “racist.” Which is laughable, given that Obama spent eight years being snubbed in ways great and small, usually for reasons far less substantive than the one Malespina gave.
Do please read the rest.
Extra Credit Discussion Question:
Is “thoughtful conservative” an oxymoron? Defend your position.
Stray Question 0
Burgers are served at a Burger King, subs are served at a Subway, pizzas are served at a Pizza Hut, so, logically, what must be on the menu here?
Going through Channels 0
Meanwhile, Josh Marshall tries to make sense of the backchannel to Russia and comes to this conclusion (follow the link for his extended discussion of why he so concluded):
The Old Normal 0
Solomon Jones wrtes about the recent killings in Portland, Oregon, in which two men were knifed to death as they tried to protect to teenagers from a ranting racist. Jones points out that there is a question forever unasked about such events in the United States:
Who radicalized him?
You can follow the link for his answer.
Mine is that (the existence of) racism and racists is so common in the U. S. that no explanation is needed.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Elie Mystal wonders why persons and the press aren’t noticing. A snippet:
Well, some white people act like that, at least. I’ve actually been asked the question “what has Trump done that’s so bad on race” (by white people, of course). Not dumb, Trump-voting, “I have a problem with Japanese people wining a race on Memorial Day” white people. But by educated whites who seem to just not notice (or care?) that the chief law enforcement officer in the country is trying to use his office to fight a race war against urban communities.
If there is a federal policy that protects minorities from people like Trump’s dad, Trump is going to try to dismantle it. I think that’s worthy of attention, regardless of whether Trump is colluding with Russia to stamp out civil rights in this country.
Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0
Racism appears to be okay again, just like it was when I was a young ‘un.
Both victims are members of the Quinault Indian Nation, which fears the deadly crime may have been racially motivated: Witnesses said the driver could be heard shouting racial slurs, the tribe contends.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Share the politeness.
What’s most striking about this is that charges have been filed.
One wonders what keeps this from being yet another “tragic accident” in which a “gun discharges” all on its ownsome. Inquiring minds want to know.
Twits on Twitter 0
It’s really not difficult to recognize racist behavior in oneself or others. All one must do is open one’s eyes.
Make TWUUG Your LUG 0
Learn about the wonderful world of free and open source. Use computers to do what you want, not what someone else wants you to do. Learn how to use GNU/Linux and its plethora of free and open source software to get stuff done with computers.
It’s not hard; it’s just different.
When: Monthly TWUUG meeting on the first Thursday of the month (June 1, 2017).
Who: Everyone in TideWater/Hampton Roads with interest in any/all flavors of Unix/Linux. There are no dues or signup requirements. All are welcome.
Where: Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital in Norfolk Training Room. See directions below. (Wireless and wired internet connection available.) Turn right upon entering, then left at the last corridor and look for the open meeting room.
“Freedom From” 0
In a thoughtful article in The Charlotte Observer, mulls the the implications of “freedom from.” I’m not sure that I agree with everything he says–certainly not his reflexive retreat into bothsiderism, when it is one side that relies on the politics of fear and division, whereas the other side, with some few exceptions spurns them–but I do recommend his article to your attention.
Here’s a snippet (I’ve italicized the phrase “freedom from” for the sake of clarity where I thought it appropriate):
I’m not suggesting that the expansion of individual freedom has been a bad thing. I am suggesting that it has come at a cost, which we are only beginning to appreciate. A society in which the greatest good is a citizen’s freedom from will cease to function as a society in any real sense of the word and, instead, become a collection of disconnected individuals who, either by design or by default, have as little to do with one another as possible.
Murky Merkel? 0
Der Spiegel parses Angela Merkel’s speech about the relationship between Europe and the Trumpled States of America. They ask and attempt to answer four questions. Here’s one question and answer (emphasis in the original–follow the link for the rest):
1. Why did her comments cause such a stir around the world?
On the eve of Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Europe, heads of state and government around the world were eager to put on a veneer of harmony. That effort, though, is over — and Merkel is one significant reason why. Since Trump’s victory last November, many see the German chancellor as the leader of the free world and her appearance on Sunday was a sharp break with the careful Trump-related rhetoric she had thus far employed. To be sure, she reminded him in her congratulatory message after he won the election of the values that form the basis for the trans-Atlantic relationship, but she had nevertheless consistently sought to emphasize commonalities rather than divisions. Merkel’s comments on Sunday are a turning point because she cast doubt on past convictions — and provided a clear indication that she is losing hope that she can ever work constructively together with Trump. Or — a slightly different interpretation — she is now willing to express those doubts that have been building for some time. Either way, she did so in a manner which was, for her, unusually blunt.
In related news, Josh Marshall attempts to understand the change in tone by Europe’s leaders. Here’s the crucial bit (emphasis added):