From Pine View Farm

The Panderers’ Party (Updated) 0

In the Portland Press-Herald, Roger Bowen reflects on the Republican Party’s denial of objective facts. He starts with Republicans’ denial of climate change, when is already affecting Maine’s lobster industry, and moves on to other issues. Here’s a bit (emphasis added):

Misrepresenting the science of climate change, claiming it is a “hoax” and telling untruths to bolster the party base are the tactics Trump’s Republican Party has employed with foolish consistency to the acclaim of little minds.

No surprise – America’s voting public is polarized, and partisan stances on climate change is but one example. . . .

To deny climate change is to repudiate the former president, much in the same way as to deny the beneficial effects of Obamacare, such as providing health insurance for the poor, is seen as an opportunity to reverse Obama’s success. If today’s Republican Party stands for anything, it stands for undoing Obama’s contributions to advancing the public good.

Addendum, Later that Same Day:

I was at a dentist’s office the other day. The dental assistant was from Sicily and we chatted about various topics.

She was aghast at the willful ignorance of climate change deniers. It seems that, in Sicily, temperatures are reaching levels they have never before reached and flooding, which used to be rare, is now common.

I suspect that climate change is a done deal, that the damage has already been done.

I am therefore glad that I am old, I pity my children, and I curse those who deny objective reality.

But that’s just me.


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From Pine View Farm
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