From Pine View Farm

October, 2017 archive

Real Big Men 0

Alfred Doblin muses on the state of “manhood” (whatever that is) and concludes that it has been Trumpled.

A snippet:

Too many men believe the art of the deal is more important than the actual deal itself. Getting away with it is not an accomplishment worthy of praise. It is not manly in the least.


The Pusher Men 0

Tornado labeled Click for the original image.


Facebook Frolics 0

Hijab hijinks.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

The hunt for politeness goes on.

The incident occurred on private land near Forestburg. The man, standing at the end of a field, was shot in the left nostril by a second hunter when a rooster appeared.

The wounded man was transported to Avera Queen of Peace hospital in Mitchell by one of the other hunters in the group. The man received stitches and was discharged that evening.

I’m guessing they were hunting prairie hens, not nostrils.



Joe Clark:

There’s what we expect bears to do and then there’s what they do. Sometimes the two don’t match.


Double Jeopardy 0

Solomon Jones sees a tell in how Trump has responded to Myeshia Johnson, the pregnant widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the soldiers who fell in Niger. A snippet (emphasis added).

Almost immediately, the president of the United States took to Twitter to call her a liar (for reporting that Trump had said that her husband “knew what he signed up for”–ed.). In doing so, Donald Trump dragged us all into the abyss of hypocrisy that has made his presidency both spectacle and debacle. And he proved once again that he reserves his ugliest behavior for women and people of color.

Myeshia Johnson is both. Therefore, it seems, she is unworthy of the respect that Trump afforded Navy widow Carryn Owens when Trump led Congress in two minutes of applause for Owens during his State of the Union address.

Follow the link for the rest.

(Link fixed.)


Cavalcade of Crazy 0


I particularly like Olbermann’s coinage, “self-servatives.”


Tilting at Windbags 0

Oh, my.

Attorneys for the GOP and its leaders asked a federal judge to dismiss a Virginia Beach Republican’s lawsuit accusing the political party of fraud and racketeering for not abolishing the Affordable Care Act after raising money promising to do so. The lawsuit argues that the donations should be returned.

Y’know, I think he’s onto something here. The Republican Party may indeed be subject to a RICO action, but not for the reasons this fellow thinks. After all, they nominated a Godfa–oh, never mind.

Details at the link.


Good Old American Stick-It-To-You-Iveness 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Self-politeness is the politest kind.

“An investigation by the ISU Police Department has determined that non-student Dominique Stulgate, 26 years of age, from Indianapolis was injured by a gunshot near Cromwell Hall Sunday night,” said ISU Chief of Police, Joseph Newport. “He was the victim of a self-inflicted accidental wound.”

The injury sustained in his right leg was non-threatening, but did require emergency surgery.

Clearly, he got a leg up on politeness.

The stupid.

It burns.


IOKIYR, Niger Dept. 0

Badtux explains the difference in the tunes played on the Wingnut Wurlitzer for Americans who in Benghazi vs. those who died in Niger.

He also has a nice summary of why American soldiers were in Niger in the first place.


Hazardous Duty 0

Woman to man:  In my previous job, I always carried mace and a stun gun.  Man:  Were you in law enforcement?  Woman:  No, I worked for Fox.class=”aligncenter” width=”500px” height=”373px”


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

Anti-Semitic Trumplers:

Police arrested two brothers on disorderly conduct and assault charges after a video posted on social media showed them yelling anti-Semitic comments at a man, according to the Damascus Police Department.

In the video, the two men, Joseph Killian, 33, and Henry Killian II, 35, use multiple expletives as they yell slurs at the man, who filmed the encounter. Court documents identify him as Craig Johnston.

Henry Killian, who points his middle finger at Johnston throughout the interaction, says, “You should get in a f—in’ Jewish oven and die like your ancestors.”

And, in more news from the Trumpled States of America.



Dale Archer:

‘Pathological liar’ is absolutely the toughest individual to deal with as a psychiatrist. Because you can’t take anything they say at face value.


And Now for Something Completely Different 0


By the Numbers . . . 0

Thom asks, “Is this the America you wanted?”


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

Oh, my.


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Leonard Pitts, Jr., notes the disparate treatment. A snippet:

Over time, one becomes inured to the double standards imposed by race, but this one is especially galling because it is especially obvious. And yet, even in its obviousness, it is largely unremarked upon.

The black guy fails to wear a lapel pin and endures months of questions about whether he belongs. The white guy canoodles with Russia, insults the intelligence community, undermines the judiciary and makes a Gold Star widow cry, dismissing her husband’s sacrifice as, apparently, just one of those things.

Do please follow the link.


No There There 0

Title:  The Empty Barrel   Image:  Empty barrel labeled

Via Job’s Anger.


Donald Trump has succeeded in one thing: He has exposed the dirty underbelly of the Benighted States of America.


Lietany 0

Man saying,

By the by, there are 36 items in the list up to the “et ceteras.”

Via The Bob Cesca Show Blog.
