November, 2017 archive
The Internet of Targets 0
If you are thinking of getting internet enabled doo-dads for Christmas for yourself or others, check Mozilla’s report, “Privacy Not Included.”
Via Bruce Schneier.
Geeking Out 0
Listening to KCEA with QMMP skinned with a Winamp skin on Slackware Linux v. 14.2 with the KDE Deaktop Environment running Xclock and the Gkrellm system monitor whule reading a Nero Wolfe mystery.
I think the hot springs in the wallpaper are in Yellowstone; I visited Yellowstone once a long time ago.
Empty Suits 0
Why does David Brooks still have a job?
Moore Trumpling 0
Dick Polman examines the implications of Donald Trump’s decision to endorse “Judge” Roy Moore in Alabama. He notes some that others have overlooked:
This was also the gist of his message:
Women and black people are not believable. If women say they were molested or harassed or assaulted, don’t believe them. If Barack Obama, via his birth certificate, proves he was born in America, don’t believe him. If the Central Park Five (black teens who denied raping a white jogger) are ultimately vindicated and exonerated by DNA evidence, don’t believe them. But if a white, right-wing man “totally denies” serial behavior deemed repugnant by society, believe him.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Park the politeness.
According to the story, he or his friend–which one is unclear–was trying to holster a gun when the fellow got shot. Had it been a two-gun holster, no doubt the this would not have happened, as, in NRA Paradise, more guns is the solution to life, the universe, and everything.
(Link fixed.)
Suffer the Children 0
It’s policy in the coming Republican dystopia.
Details at the link.
The Court Is in Sessions 0
Above the Law’s Elie Mystal reacts to reports that Attorney General Sessions wants to investigate Harvard Law’s Affirmative Action program. A snippet (emphasis added):
African-American Harvard students are fully ready to stand on our “merits.” In fact, we’ve yearned and strived to be judged on our merits our whole lives. We’re not necessarily thrilled to be judged on merits according to the white man, as strained through the racially biased lens of his standardized testing. But if that’s the unrealistic standard, we’re ready for that battle too. Harvard blacks standardize test pretty well.
“Republican Family Values” 0
One more time, the piety is a pose, not a practice.
Twits on Twitter 0
Frederick Neuman, writing at Psychology Today Blogs, has a theory as to why Donald Trump cannot control his twitting on Twitter. Here’s a bit of his article: