January, 2018 archive
Lazy Circles in the Sky 0
Will Bunch watched the State of Union Address so I didn’t have to (actually, I never those things when I can watch reruns of the Jack Benny show). He points out that Donald Trump promised all those things he’s promised before, just like the guy on the phone who promised me he was calling from Microsoft:
To quote the late great John Lennon: We’d all love to see the plan.
Follow the link for the rest.
Make TWUUG Your LUG 0
Learn about the wonderful world of free and open source. Use computers to do what you want, not what someone else wants you to do. Learn how to use GNU/Linux and its plethora of free and open source software to get stuff done with computers.
It’s not hard; it’s just different.
When: Monthly TWUUG meeting at 7:30 p. m. on the first Thursday of the month (February 1, 2018). Pre-meeting dinner at Chicago Uno, JANAF shopping center, 6:00 p. m. (map)
Who: Everyone in TideWater/Hampton Roads with interest in any/all flavors of Unix/Linux. There are no dues or signup requirements. All are welcome.
Where: Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital in Norfolk Training Room (map). (Wireless and wired internet connection available.) Turn right upon entering, then left at the last corridor and look for the open meeting room.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Share your politeness with your friends.
er, yeah.
Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0
You know that the Trumpling’s got to be bad if the Trumpler got banned from Uber.
Both Sides Not 0
Eugene Robinson excoriates the hypocrisy of evangelical “Christian” “leaders” as regards Donald Trump. A snippet:
After all, Perkins’ predecessor at the Family Research Council, Gary Bauer, said this when Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky was revealed in 1998: “Character counts — in a people, in the institutions of our society, and in our national leadership.”
Apparently, it only counts when a Democrat is in the White House, not a Republican. I’m still looking for the Bible verse that spells out this distinction, but it must be in there somewhere.
The Rule of Lawless 0
Josh Marshall reports on This Week in Lawless.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Politeness is a family affair.
This is the second accidental shooting involving a child in Jackson County over the past several weeks. In the other incident, a youngster sat on a weapon and received a minor injury to the buttocks but is recovering fully.
The Rule of Lawless 0
Elie Mystal comments of the Trumpling of the FBI. A snippet:
I think not. I think the “rule of law” stage of America is over, and we are entering a stage of “rule of man.”
Follow the link to learn why he says that.