The Trollpublican Party 0
Jeremy E. Sherman argues that the Republican Party has become the party of trolls and trolling. Here’s a bit:
Against fascism? Not anymore. Against deficit spending? Gone with their blow-hard wind. Religious virtues? Vaporized time and time again with dismissive self-forgiveness, the “mulligans” they give only to themselves. Anti-PC? Only their opponent’s sensitivities. Pro-freedom? Only the freedom to never have to admit that they could be wrong.
It’s obvious to everyone not sucked in that the party has been taken over by pathological self-suck-ups, fawning over their pretend piety. They will do or say anything to sustain even for another hour their false sense of absolute triumph, authority, and vindication.
Follow the link for more, including suggestions as to how to combat trollish behavior.
I wish he’d loosen up a bit and tell us what he really thinks.