June, 2018 archive
Wipe Out! 0
Jay Bookman comments. Here’s a bit; follow the link for the complete article.
(Syntax error fixed. Darn computers. Expect you to splet stuf rite.)
A Mind Is a Terrible Thing Unwasted 1
Shaun Mullen reviews Michael Polln’s book, How To Change Your Mind, about what a long strange trip it was.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Rear your children politely.
Just another day in NRA Paradise.
Trumpling Reagan’s “Shining City on a Hill” 0
Amy Fried explains how that city no longer shines nor sits on a hill, but has plunged into the valley of darkness.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Responsible gun owners go shopping too, you know.
Kids found the gun and one of them pulled the trigger, firing a single shot. No injuries were reported.
Guns and stupid, a marriage made in–well, somewhere.
The Rule of Lawless 0
Elie Wystal comments on Donald Trump’s desire to abandon “due process” at the border (and, likely, everywhere else).
Just read it.
A Civil Tongue 0
Joe Patrice reacts to the conservatives who clutch their pearls and fall upon their fainting coaches because a restaurateur politely ask Sara Huckabee Sanders to find somewhere else to eat. A nugget: