From Pine View Farm

June, 2018 archive

The Sounds of the Trumpling 0

It’s a difficult listen, but listen do.


Para-Military Side Effects 0

Arthur Rizer and Emily Mooney argue that, in a most insidious fashion, the clothes may indeed make the man.


Space Farce 0

Title:  New United States Space Force.  Image:  Vehicle resembling Donald Trump's head labeled

In related news, Elie Mystal comments on Trump’s “space force” idea. A snippet:

The first problem, of course, is that what Trump is proposing is illegal under international law . . . .

Image via Job’s Anger.


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

Trumpling the poor, the tired, the teeming masses yearning to be free.


Jesus in the Jet Set 0

Carl Hiassen reports.



Vachav Havel:

Lying can never save us from another lie.


A Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight 0

Our household air conditioner broke on Sunday.

A new one is scheduled to be installed tomorrow. Natch, this happened just in time for the hottest hot spell of the year so far. That’s just how stuff works.

At the ABC Store today, I mentioned this to the clerk. He wanted to know who I called for service. When I told him, he was most gratified that I had not called [some other outfit]. He was most emphatic about it.

I filed his remarks away and will not call [some other outfit] in the future.


Flip Joints 0

It seems that most of the waiting rooms I visit–the ones with televisions, that is–have reached a consensus that HGTV is the least offensive channel to set their TV dials to (remember dials?). Accordingly, I see far more home renovation and house flipping shows than I would willingly submit to.

I have, however, seen enough that I found this New York Times article on real-life house flippers and how their experiences differ from the HGTV narratives an interesting read.

It illustrates again that “reality TV” and reality are in no way related, just as “Fox” and “News” ar–oh, never mind.


The Church Is in Sessions 0

Roman troops ripping Baby Jesus from Mary and Joseph while saying,

Via The Bob Cesca Show Blog.


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

Kris Kobach komes a kropper.



Rex Stout:

Nothing is obvious in itself. Obviousness is subjective.

Stout, Rex, The Silent Speaker (New York: Bantam, 1958), p. 117

(QOTD was late to work today.)


Standing and Deliverance 0

Elie Wystal is not impressed with the Supreme Court’s decision not to rule on the Wisconsin gerrymandering case because of “lack of standing.” A snippet:

There are entirely good reasons for a court to kick a case on standing, and boy was this NOT one of them. Chief Justice John Roberts, in a judgement joined in part by everybody, decided that the plaintiffs challenging gerrymandered districts in Wisconsin erred because they challenged the whole map of the state of Wisconsin. Instead, the Court argued that the could only challenge individual districts, and to do that, they had to show that they lived in a district that was adversely impacted by gerrymandering. Hence, no standing, but the case will go back to a lower court to determine if the challengers live in a screwed up district.

That’s like arguing that a bird has no interest in the tree, and can only argue for the preservation of her particular branch.

Do read the rest.


Hostages 0

Mike Littvin infers that the inhumanity is intentional.

Yes, the cruelty is very much intentional. The inhumanity is intentional. The violation of every American norm is intentional. The reminder of the Japanese internment camps may not be intentional, given Trump’s problems with history, but it is clear and obvious to everyone who doesn’t go around taking about the amazing things Frederick Douglass is doing.

The unforgivable grabbing of more than 2,300 children from their parents at the border — some of these parents here to seek asylum — and housing them in what amounts to cages is meant to force bleeding-heart Democrats to the table to give Trump his ridiculous $25 billion border wall.

Follow the link for the entire article.


All that Was Old Is New Again 0

Werner Herzog’s Bear has seen it all before.


Trade Warriors 0

Republicans refuse to act to stop Donald Trump’s authority to impose tariffs against friendly nations in the name of “national security.”


Dialectic 0

Josh Marshall muses on the internal contradictions of Trumpery.


The Bible Tells Me So . . . , Reprise 0

Mike discusses the Trump Administration’s program to rip children from their mothers and its defending the practice as sanctioned by the Bible. Warning: Language.


Wedging the Issues 0

Writing at Psychology Today Blogs, Roy Eidelson explores the mechanics of the politics of hate. A snippet:

Today’s elites know that solidarity with the disadvantaged and mistreated is jeopardized whenever differences like race, gender, and religion are emphasized and exaggerated. That’s why so many one-percenters highlight these differences while downplaying similarities in the concerns and aspirations we all share. If this ploy works, it divides groups that might otherwise form a more united and more potent resistance. When such coalitions fail to materialize, the winners are the defenders of extreme inequality who’ve long ago forsaken the common good.

Read the whole thing. It’s worth your while.


Side Effects Include . . . . 0

You will recall that the publisher of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette fired editorial cartoonist Rob Rogers for being critical of Donald Trump. Ann Telnaes comments:

I did worry that editorial cartooning would be the next target of a president so enamored of visuals. That didn’t happen. In retrospect, I’m fairly certain it’s because Trump doesn’t read; he gets all his news from the television (Fox News) and uses Twitter as his megaphone. And I’m guessing his staff doesn’t cut out cartoons and tape them to the White House refrigerator so he will see them as he goes for his regular two scoops of ice cream. But with the firing of Pittsburgh Post-Gazette cartoonist Rob Rogers, we now see that suppressing a free press can be accomplished without an authoritarian president’s orders. Michael Cohen isn’t the only “fixer” Trump has at his disposal.

Follow the link for the rest.


How Do You Know that Donald Trump Is Lying? 0

Jay Bookman answers, His mouth is open.”
