June, 2018 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Practice politeness in a festive manner.
The shooting was an isolated incident, according to Mesa County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Megan Terlecky.
“We believe it was accidental, but we’re still investigating,” she said, noting that they are looking into how the gun came to be at the festival.
Really, they’re wondering how the gun got there? No doubt it purchased a ticket and walked in through the front gate.
Suffer the Children 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Darcia Narvaez marvels at the cruelty of the Trump Administration choice to rip children from their families at the border and explains from a human developmental perspective why the act is so pernicious. A snippet:
Is it ignorance or malice? We don’t know, but the justifications sound both ignorant and malicious.
*Colleen Kraft, head of the American Association of Pediatrics.
Facebook Frolics 0
One more time, the internet is a public place. Comport yourself accordingly.
A Fine Bromance 0
Via Juanita Jean.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Seal your friendships with politeness.
Wray was also manipulating* a Smith & Wesson handgun he had just purchased when the firearm accidentally fired and struck Davenport in the face, Richmond said.
The story goes on to say that authorities are not considering charges at this time, I reckon because the gun somehow mysteriously fired itself. Bad gun! Bad!
*Methinks they misplet “masturbating.”
A Religious Dilemna 0
Writing at The Roanoke Times, Rich Brager, who describes himself as an atheist, admits his befuddlement. An excerpt:
Palin’ Around with Despots, Reprise 0
Trudy Rubin is not impressed by Donald Trump’s belief that he can solve international issues with glad-handing a flattery. A snippet:
Any progress with North Korea will require a big dose of realism and a determination to “distrust but verify.” Unlikely, so long as Trump keeps fooling himself and his base.
Follow the link to read why she said that.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Exercise courtesy whilst employing your motorized conveyance.
All of the victims were taken to a hospital, but a young boy died as a result of his injuries.
After several hours, police said they had located and arrested the accused shooter, who they identified as 23-year-old Jeremy Webster. Police said he was a stranger to the victims.
“It appears as if this incident stemmed from a road rage,” the news release said.
Meta: Sonar Sidebar Widget 0
I have removed the “Support Accessible Computing/Sonar Linux OS” item from the sidebar over there on the right——————->.
I understand that the founder of the project left it some while ago. Also, I recently heard Larry Bushey from the Going Linux podcast, who was involved in the Sonar project in its early days, express concerns that the project may be in limbo.
As an aside, I have listened to every episode of Going Linux and recommend it highly for persons interested in learning about free and open-source Linux-based operating systems and software.
“The Best People” 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, David Feldman offers a guide to understanding the Trump administration.
(Open tag fixed.)
. . . the Bible Tells Me So 0
Dick Polman stands aghast at the Trumpling of the Bible to justify ripping children from their parents.
No except or summary can do his piece justice. Just read it.