August, 2018 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Play politely.
“She was pointing it in his direction, put her finger on the trigger, and fired the gun,” said Assistant Hillsborough County Attorney Patrice Casian. “It subsequently struck the victim in the head and it was a fatal wound.”
In a rather unusual twist, “playing with a gun” has not served as a “Get Out of Jail Free” card; charges have been filed.
Fantastic Viewerage 0
At The Guardian, two Amherst professors imagine how today’s Republicans would respond if Donald Trump did, indeed, shoot someone (say, maybe, just for instance, Michael Cohen) on Fifth Avenue in plain view of passers-by. Here’s a snippet; follow the link for the rest:
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders:
Associated Press: “Ms Sanders, did the president shoot his former lawyer in an effort to stop him from testifying against the president?”
Sarah Sanders: “No, he did not.”
AP: “Are you saying that the shooting was not motivated by Mr Cohen’s recent plea deal, or rather that the president did not shoot him?”
SHS: “You’ve got my answer, Jim. No, no, no.”
AP: “Ms Sanders, I’m still not clear what –”
SHS: “The answer is no. No as in no. N. O. It’s these kinds of questions that have turned the American people against the press.”
Via Juanita Jean.
Married to the Mob 0
Field describes a match made in Manhattan.
“Winning Is the Only Thing” 0
Joe Patrice is amazed the Urban Meyer keeps getting away with it.
Geeking Out 0
The Fluxbox window manager on Debian Stretch. That’s the GKrellM system monitor with the “Glass” theme over there in the lower right corner, and xclock in the upper right.
I don’t have much of a reason for posting this other than I think that the background image is very pretty. I like my pretty pictures.
Bewitched 0
In the context of considering the statements of the Manafort juror who spoke to Fox News, Kathryn Rubino calls out the weird “logic” of those who have convinced themselves that Donald Trump and his Trumpettes are somehow the victims of a “witch hunt”
(Missing link fixed.)
Clouds of Witless 0
Shorter Shuan Mullen: Know them by the company they keep.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Politeness is a family value.
Police say the boy was playing with a handgun when it discharged, shooting his sister in the back.
Stray Thought, Potboiler Dept. 0
After being in a room where someone was watching Gray’s Anatomy:
If there were that much drama amongst the staff of a real hospital, no patient would leave alive.
“They Don’t Know What They Don’t Know” 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Bobby Azarian explores how the Dunning-Kruger Effect may help Bolster Donald Trump’s support. A snippet (emphasis added; follow the link for the rest):
These findings are fascinating but equally troubling. How do you combat ignorance when the ignorant believe themselves to be knowledgeable? Even worse, how do you fight it when America is becoming increasingly polarized, which certainly increases the salience of partisan identities?
This effect may help explain why certain Trump supporters seem to be so easily tricked into believing proven falsehoods when the president delivers what have become known as “alternative facts,” often using language designed to activate partisan identities. Because they lack knowledge but are confident that they do not, they are less likely than others to actually fact-check the claims that the President makes.
Add the white-wing proganda machine, and voila!, Donald Trump.