From Pine View Farm

August, 2018 archive

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Practice random acts of politeness.

According to Sheriff Terry Austin, it appears a person accidentally shot a woman along West Main Street. Officers have been able to speak to the victim, who was conscious and alert. The bullet, which is still in her body, did not appear to hit any vital organs.


The Climates They Are a-Changing 0

It doesn’t look good, folks.


Facebook Frolics 0

“Polite society” frolics.


Dis Coarse Discourse 0

Caption:  Former staffer says she saw Donald Trump eating a piece of paper in the Oval Office.  Image:  Donald Trump eating the First Amendment as he tweets,

Click for the original image.



David Hume:

The Christian religion not only was at first attended with miracles, but even at this day cannot be believed by any reasonable person without one.


Ding-Dong 1

A few days ago, I had two dental implants–er–mplanted. When the dentist was done with all the drilling, I told him that “now I know how an oilfield feels.” (I must say, he is quite skilled. If you are looking for an implant guy, I can recommend him whole-heartedly.)

On my way home, I stopped by my local drug store to drop off two scripts and pick up a snack, as it was snack time. As my mouth was wounded, I needed soft snacks (normally, I go for crackers and cheese, but I had been enjoined to avoid crunchy for two or three days).

I looked in vain for Tastycakes, because once you Tastycake, you will never Hostess again, but could not find any. As I looked at the display by the cash registers, I asked the clerk whether or not the store carried Tastycakes. She allowed as how she wasn’t sure (I’ve been using this store for years and know that she was new), and, if they weren’t on the rack before me, they probably weren’t in inventory.

I perused the rack, then said, “Oh, well, I’ll buy something named after our President,” and tossed a pack of Hostess Ding-Dongs on the counter.

She broke out laughing.

Read more »


And Now for Something Complete Different 0



How Stuff Works, Gut Out the Vote Dept. 0

Thom and Greg Palast discuss the mechanics of voter suppression, focusing primarily on Florida and Kansas.


Ryan’s Derp 0

Field points out that there’s no there there.


Cut from the Same Cloth 0

Image One, labeled

Click for the original image.


How Stuff Works, Lifetime Lotto Dept. 0

Title:  Give and Let Die.  Frame One:  Man says,

Click for the original image.


Stray Thought 0

ESPN’s turning the Little League World Series into a television spectacle is a vile and despicable act of exploitation.

Ask me nicely, and I’ll tell you what I really think.


Spin Cycle 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Always be packing. Every noise you hear is a potential target.

The boy and his stepfather had been watching the Perseid meteor shower from a remote area in Nome near Highway 90 and Highway 326 when the shooting happened according to a release from the Jefferson County Sheriff”s Office.

While the two were walking back to their vehicle the stepfather told deputies that he heard something, which he though might be a animal, running up behind him according to the release.

The stepfather, who was carrying a pistol, pulled it and fired and immediately realized he had shot his stepson the release said.

Jesus. The stupid.



John Hodgman:

If cats had a right to privacy, there would be no Facebook, and thus we might still have a functioning democracy.

Hodgman, John, “Bonus Advice from John Hodgman.” New York Times Magazine, August 12, 2018, p 16


A Tune for the Times 0


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

Words fail me.


Twits on Twitter 0

What Atrios said.


Space Farce 0

1961:  First American Sub-Orbital Launch.  1962:  First American Orbital Launch.  1969:  First American Moon Launch.  2018:  First American Space Force Launch (Image:  Donald Trump baby in diapers as the Hindenburg crashing as voice says,

Click for the original image.


The Great Game 0

Michael Nance wonders whether Trump’s meeting with Putin was “a second Yalta.”
