From Pine View Farm

August, 2018 archive

A Picture Is Worth 0

Republican Congressman walking in front of Capitol Bldg.  Frames  One and Two:  He thinks to himself,

Via PoliticalProf, where you can see a larger image.


Tip of the Iceberg 0

Man and woman standing in front of cascade of signs advertising gun shops.  Man says,

Click for the original image.

Make no mistake, I think that 3-D printed guns is a profoundly stupid idea that appeals primarily to firearms fetishists who want yet another portable penis, this one a plastic toy, to caress and, secondarily, to those designing to do evil in an undetectable manner.

But, really, is it any stupider than guns everywhere?


Rally, Rally Counterproductive, Rally It Is 0


Facebook Frolics 0

Elfin frolics.


Flagging Interest 0

Jim Wright dissects the Trumplers’ rage at NFL players’ daring to kneel during the national anthem.

No excerpt or summary can do his piece justice. Just read it.


Jonesing for a Scapegoat 0

Starting with the recent kerfuffle over Alex Jones, Michael J. Socolow analyzes the appeal of hate-speech. After recounting a short history of hate-full-ness in American history, he posits some thoughts about why it finds a welcoming audience. Here’s a nugget:

The Alex Joneses, Glenn Becks and Father Coughlins in our media world represent fissures in our dominant ideology of success. When the American Dream isn’t working out well, scapegoats must be found.

And a large audience of disappointed people looking for excuses will always exist. Their civics textbooks and teachers taught them that hard work, diligence, obedience to authority and responsible living inevitably results in economic prosperity.

But it often doesn’t work out that way. They feel lied to, and InfoWars exists to confirm* their suspicions.


*I would have said, “exploit.”



Peter Drucker:

There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.


And Now for a Musical Interlude 0


Bowls Full of Jelly 0

In response to a caller, David explores several reasons why Republicans who claim not to support Donald Trump refuse to stand up to him.


What Is Truth? 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Eric Leuthardt struggles with the deluge of news and stuff pretending to be news and suggests a methodology for adapting to the new world of lying bots, credulous cretins, and bigoted blatherers.

I’ve sat on this link for a couple of days debating how to address it.

I’m not sure to what extent I agree with him, but I think his article is worth a look. Nothing in it, though, addresses what I consider the true issue: that many of our fellow citizens have chosen to eschew objective reality.


Precedented 0

Image of Richard Nixon saying,

Via Job’s Anger.


Q (and A) 0

Picture of a piece of paper next to a pair of scissors.  A square of paper bearing the letter the characters

We are a society of stupid.

Image via Juanita Jean.


“Sic ’em” 0

Farron dissects Laura Ingraham’s now notorious rant against immigrants.

In an item on the same theme, Monica Hesse offers a theory as to why why Alex Jones and his acolytes are so frightened of the Other (which “Other” keeps changing, but, take it from me, there is always an “Other.” I commend the entire piece to your attention. Here’s a key bit:

I don’t know how to explain to Alex Jones’s listeners that the groups they see as so scary are actually the groups they have spent decades scaring. I don’t know what to do about people who want the playing field to be level now but didn’t notice or care whether it was level before. I don’t know whether to be patient or enraged.


A Special Place in Hell . . . . 2

Man in KKK robes stands on cliff facing pit of fire labeled

Click for the original image.



Hubert Humphrey:

To err is human. To blame someone else is politics.


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 2

Leonard Pitts, Jr., tells a tale of a Trumpling that backfired.


Facebook Frolics 0

Intimidating frolics.


The Great Debunking 0

Aide to Trump: It's called

Click for the original image.


Ill-Farmed Policy 0

Farmer standing in field in front of barn on which hangs a

In related news, Element Television, the only company to assemble televisions in the U. S. (from imported parts, mind you), is in danger of closing because of Donald Trump’s stupid trade war. (I just bought one of their machines; the words in the product description that made the sale were, “This television has none of the features of a smart TV.” Every electronic thing else tries to spy on me; I don’t need a TV that does too.)

Image via Job’s Anger.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

If only the television had been packing, it could have defended itself.

Police arrested a 26-year-old Manitowoc man Monday evening after they say he shot his handgun at a TV during an argument.
