September, 2018 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Where like minds gather . . . .
“It was determined the shooting was accidental,” Somoano said. “One person sustained non-life threatening injuries.”
This is the third shooting at Oak Tree Gun Club in 2018. On Sept. 2, a person was transported to a local trauma center after suffering a self-inflicted gunshot wound at the facility.
(Misplaced tag fixed. I’m only human.)
Hoist on His Own Petard 0
One of my history professors used to delight in pointing out what he called “the ironies of history.”
Image via Juanita Jean.
Those ironies are oft bittersweet.
I think the professor was Dr. Bill Shade, under whom I studied the Early Federal Period during my year in graduate school, out of which I dropped, for I realized that I was not cut out to be an academician.* (Hell, when I drove away in my U-Haul heading east back to the Eastern Shore, I did indeed feel a weight lift from my shoulders. It was a metaphor come to life.)
He was a bright spot in that experience
*”Academic” is an adjective. “Academician” is a noun. It’s called “proper usage.” Live with it.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
A polite society is a clean society.
The boy didn’t know gun was loaded when it discharged into his abdomen and the bullet continued through his back, according to Soldan.
The Taken (In) 0
Will Bunch analyzes why the media, both broadcast and print, fell so hard for the fake “Rob Rosenstein resignation” story late last week. His piece is well worth a read. Here’s a snippet:
The Art of the Mid-Terminable Con 0
Paul Krugman suggests that there is no Republican there there. A snippet:
In fact, Republican policies are so unpopular that the party’s candidates are barely trying to sell them. Instead, they’re pretending to stand for things they actually don’t — like protecting health coverage for Americans with pre-existing conditions — or trying to distract voters with culture war and appeals to white racial identity. The GOP has become the party of no ideas.
Follow the link for the rest.
Russian Impulses 0
Shaun Mullen brings up-to-date on the latest in Kremlinology.