September, 2018 archive
Life Imitates Art 0
Tony Norman finds strange echoes of Dostoevsky’s writings in the Brett Kavanaugh saga.
I am not a fan of 19th century Russian literature, though I did once read War and Peace. It’s too dark for me, plus the characters have so many names that you need a program to keep up.
But dark seems to be more and more appropriate.
Judgment Dailies 0
Leonard Pitts, Jr., reads from the twits of judges.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Politeness takes practice:
Rich County Sheriff Dale Stacey said the bullet was fired at a target several hundred feet from the truck. The shooter involved as well as witnesses stated that they did not know there was a road down range, and could not see the vehicle due to thick brush and trees.
Yes, indeed, it is the mark of “responsible gun owners” that they shoot at the knowable unknown.
The Great Settling 0
Jeff Wallach is dismayed that we can’t do better than this.
Spilt Tea 0
Farron theorizes that the Donald Trump ascendency is a direct result of teabaggery.
Driftglass frequently argues that the “Tea Party” was nothing more than a rebranding of Republicanism to disassociate it from President George the Worst, but I think Farron has a point–that, in some way, teabaggery unleashed a torrent of stupid that had previously been confined, like the Duke of Harzardous’s coal ash, in Republican retention ponds.
Now the dams of discourse are breached, and the poison flows freely.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
One more time . . . politeness is child’s play.
In Spite of the Evidence 0
Dr. Jean Kim explores the magical thinnking of anti-vaxxers.