From Pine View Farm

November, 2018 archive

Invisible Plastic Shield 0

Ivanka Trump says,

Via Job’s Anger.


The Unthanked and the Thankless 0

Donald Trump in limo driving past Arlington National Cemetery saying,

Click for the original image.


A Thanksgiving Memory 0

Image of the Mayflower captioned,

Click for the original image.



Patrice Lamumba:

A minimum of comfort is necessary for the practice of virtue.


Crime Scene Invalidation 0

Donald Trump holding bone saw over remnants of the

Click for the original image.


A Tune for the Times 0

Via The Bob Cesca Show.


Insecurity 0

Virginia Tech Professor Rebecca Hester suggests that, despite the (used-to-be) soaring Dow Jones average, we are not “better off” (emphasis added):

Despite claims to increased economic and national security, I do not feel personally, economically, politically, or socially more secure. In fact, I feel much less secure in a country where racist robo-calls, hate crimes, vitriolic political speech, and medical and moral bankruptcy have become normal. I also feel less secure in a country where military forces are being summoned to “defend our nation” against a group of exhausted, ill, and extremely vulnerable people, including no small number of elderly, women, and children. Knowing that their human rights and their right to seek asylum are being challenged by my country does not make me feel better about being an American nor does it make me feel more secure that my own rights will be respected, if it comes to that.


Trivia Pursuit 0

Title:  Notification Bloatification.  Frame One:  Woman at computer receives notification,

Click for the original image.


“But the Emails” 0

Timothy O’Brien comments on the news that Ivanka Trump used a private email server. A snippet:

It’s possible that Ivanka — who worked closely with her father on his presidential campaign and saw him turn Clinton into a piñata for using a personal server and mishandling classified information — wasn’t aware that federal records rules might someday apply to her. . . .

Then again, it’s also possible that Ivanka, like her father, assumes that rules are for other people and not the Trumps.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Be polite to your friends.

A Sheriff Department release said an investigation revealed a 13-year-old male and a 16-year-old male were at the 13-year-old’s residence when the 13-year-old was loading a rifle and the weapon fired striking the 16-year-old in the back.

A 14-year-old male was at the residence and called 911, the report said.

One less friend.


I think I’ve remarked on this before, but I find it signifies something, perhaps an unconscious dehumanization, when “boys” or “men” become “males” once they come to the notice of police. I’ve kept count, but I don’t think girls and women are so frequently yclept, but I’ll keep my eye out.



Charles Dudley Warner:

It is fortunate that each generation does not comprehend its own ignorance. We are thus enabled to call our ancestors barbarous.


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

Mike reacts to Lou Dobbs’s claims of illegal immigrants’ voting (warning: language):


A Caravan of Lies 0

The SPLC reports that the “militias” (most emphatically not the well-regulated kind) that have gathered at the border seem willing to believe anything. A snippet:

In the process, the militias have gorged on an array of hoaxes and conspiracy theories floated by conservative media, anti-immigrant groups and President Donald Trump himself, who released an ad about the caravan before the midterms that was deemed so racist that Fox News and other news channels pulled it off the air. The fantasies the militias have embraced smear the caravan as an invading army rather than a group of a few thousand desperate people fleeing poverty and violence. The militias see themselves as duty bound to stop the caravan, even if that means a shooting war breaks out.

At the same time, however, the militia movement has been afflicted by infighting and backstabbing over the caravan and their response to it. In their frenzy, they’ve told reporters that they are prepared to bring hundreds, even thousands, of armed men and women to the border to form a united front. But behind the scenes, these irregular armies are made up of unreliable individuals. Leaders have insulted other leaders. Groups have broken alliances with other groups. And self-described commanders have resigned their positions in the militias they run.


Facebook Frolics 0

Nina Jankowicz is fed up. A nugget:

While Facebook attempts to convince us that it is atoning for its sins (and sometimes using dubious methods to do so), the company is consistently violating the principle of “do no harm.” Facebook’s actions have shown that it believes that harm is okay — inevitable, even — as long as profits are up and the company can afford shady smear campaigns to distract from its mistakes.

Sadly, I suspect that, as long as Facebook targets users gullibly succumb to Facebook’s alogrithm-driven stroking of their egos, the situation is unlikely to improve.


The Lies of the Land, Reprise 0


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Will Bunch is dismayed at how some white Southerners keep hanging on to the past.


Dis Enchantment 0

Werner Herzog’s Bear muses on the ease with which right-wing evangelical “Christians” can suspend disbelief. A snippet:

Those who believe in an enchanted world take that mentality with them into politics. It tends to mean a much greater willingness to accept outlandish interpretations of reality, since they are already well-practiced in it. Someone who thinks demons stalk the earth is much more likely to see the “caravan” as a horrifying threat. Supernatural and irrational forces explain everything to them, and if you combine that mentality with a generally bigoted and racist mindset it’s like dumping bleach into a bucket of ammonia.



Pauline Kael:

Kicked in the ribs, the press says “art” when “ouch” would be more appropriate.


Facebook Frolics 0

Remember chain letters?

Christalmighty, people will fall for anything if they see it on a computer screen.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Maintain politeness.

New York State Police said 35-year-old Eric Rosenbrock was performing maintenance on his legally possessed handgun when a shot was discharged that hit his wife, 34-year-old Ashley Rosenbrock.

“Performing maintenance.” Furrfu.

He is now a widower by his own hand.
