February, 2019 archive
Manafort Destiny 0
Shaun Mullen takes a deep dive into what he refers to as the “twisted saga” of Paul Manafort.
Originalist Sin 0
Brian O’Neill writes of the connection between the Second Amendment and slavery and the farcical Supreme Court ruling, authored by “Constitutional originalist” Antonin Scalia, that resulted from Scalia’s willfully ignoring the origins said amendment.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Fill up on the politeness.
According to a LaGrange Police Department press release, the victim was filming Alaeza Carr, 22, playing with a handgun when it went off and struck the victim in the face sometime around 1 a.m.
All That Was Old Is New Again 0
Dick Polman skewers Donald Trump’s “red scare” tactics, in which anyone to the left of the far right is getting tagged a “socialist.”
I suspect that Donald Trump has no idea what “socialism” is other than a great bogey word.
Inquiring Minds Don’t Want You To Know 0
Will Bunch tries to make sense of the Jeff Bezos-Saudi Arabia-National Inquirer-Donald Trump, Jr., connections.
Virginia Beach Drinking Liberally Thursday 0
Start your Valentine’s Day evening with us.
When: Thursday, February 14, 6 p. m.
Croc’s 19 Street Bistro
620 19th Street (Map)
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Stray Thought 0
Late in the evening and I’m craving a cup of coffee because one the characters in To Wake the Dead by John Dickson Carr (the master of the locked room mystery) is named “Melitta.”
I need better filters.
Mature Nation 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Steven Stosny suggests that, after almost two and a half centuries, the United States has finally entered the “terrible twos.”