March, 2019 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Once again, politeness becomes child’s play.
Self-Parody 0
Honest to Pete, you couldn’t make up this much stupid.
Chartering a Course for Disaster 0
The Des Moines Register looks at Iowa Republicans’ plans for “school choice” and sums them up neatly:
Follow the link for their reasoning.
It’s not just in Iowa, folks.
An educated polity is Republicans’ worst nightmare.
Pulling the Plug 0
Headline: Justice Department sides with lower court, says Obamacare should end
Image via Job’s Anger.
The Culpable Gullible 0
The Philadelphia Inquirer’s editorial board makes a point that I’ve expressed privately to friends.
Meddling in our elections by Russia and others foreign and domestic would not have worked if American citizens had looked up from their “social” media feeds and paid attention to the real world.
Here’s a bit; follow the link for the rest:
Random Thought:
Conspiracy and puppetry are not the same thing.