April, 2019 archive
“The Bourne Identity” 0
Honest to Betsy, you can’t make this stuff up.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
And, as we know, a polite society is a clean society.
Recommended Reading 0
Murder Must Advertise, by Dorothy Sayers.
I just read it for the second time, or maybe it was the third, and you should too.
Field of Dreamers 0
As I’ve mentioned before, sometimes I find myself nostalgic for the smoke-filled rooms.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Phoning in politeness . . . .
The shattering phone sent glass and metal shrapnel into the teen’s eye and face, penetrating into his brain.
The NRA will no doubt claim that, if the phone had been packing, this would not have happ–oh, never mind.