October, 2019 archive
The Climates They Are a-Changing 0
Siberia is thawing out, and it’s not pleasant. Here’s a bit from the story:
“It smells like dead bodies,” Danilov said.
Bitter-Enders 0
Seth Meyers (no, not that Seth Meyers, the other one, the one with a doctorate in Psychology) unwittingly–or perhaps wittingly–offers a guide to understanding the Trumpettes.
Coddled Yeggs: A Parable for Our Times 0
They raise their firearms, carefully taking aim; they caress the triggers lovingly and let fly the cartridges.
They strike their targets, who drop lifelessly.
“Oh, no,” they cry, “I did not intend to do that regardless of how it might have looked. It was an accident.”
“That’s okay,” replies Mr. Enforcer. “As you are a member of the Fraternity of the Fair-Skinned, I must take you at your word.
“Oh, and before you go, have a cookie.”
Robin Hoodlum 0
Via Job’s Anger.
Oblivious to the Obvious 0
How should one react when studies prove the obvious?
Stepped in It 0
Via Juanita Jean.
In Translation 0
UNC Law Professor Joseph Kennedy translates from the Latin. A snippet: