November, 2019 archive
Facebook Frolics 0
The Portland Press-Herald takes a stand against anti-vaxx frolickers.
Hannity Sanity 0
Stephanie Sarkis offers some suggestions for dealing with Donald Trump, Fox News, and their dupes, symps, and fellow travelers.
Geeking Out 0
Listening to The Clock Struck One by Fergus Hume on the QMMP media player on the Plasma Desktop on Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Packing heat is always such a good idea.
The Perennial Question 0
Why does anyone brook David Brooks?
Statues of Limitations 0
In The American Scholar, Robin Kirk, who served on a committee about Confederate monuments for the city of Durham, North Carolina, considers the import and future of those monuments to treason. Here’s a tiny little bit, in which he discusses the toppling of the statue that led to that committee (emphasis added):
I commend the article to your attention. It’s a long read, but a worth-while one.