January, 2020 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Practice random acts of politeness.
What’s with the “suspected sniper” phrasing?
Sniping is taking place, therefore there is a sniper.
“It Must Be True. Nothing Else Explains It.” 0
Joe Pierre has posted two pieces about the psychology of conspiracy theories (and theorists) at Psychology Today Blogs, derived from a radio interview in which he participated. They are worth a look.
Here’s a bit from Part One (emphasis added):
How has the internet affected the spread of conspiracy theories? Do you think the internet promotes the spread of conspiracy theories?
There’s little question that the internet can help spread false beliefs including conspiracy theories. And research has shown that misinformation tends to spread faster and more widely than factual information. So the internet is clearly a fertile breeding ground for conspiracy theories.
That said, there is not good evidence that conspiracy theories are necessarily more common now than they have been at other points in history. . . .
What is somewhat unique to the internet is the way it’s very design — through a click-based revenue model along with the creation of filter bubbles — can foster echo chambers and confirmation bias that strengthens conviction in our pre-existing beliefs. As I like to say, searching for information online is often like “confirmation bias on steroids.”
The Rule of Lawless Meets the Wall-eyed Piker 0
What’s a few less laws, anyway?
The new Wild West of the border wall is an authoritarian dreamscape where the boss man faces no limits and no obligations. It’s as though Marshall Wyatt Earp, reborn as an orange-haired easterner with no knowledge of the actual West, were back in charge, deciding who’s in and who’s out, what goes and what stays.
More lawlessness at the link.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Demonstrate politeness as thou partakest of thy repast.
The man said hi to his friend and returned to his table when the gun went off.
The man quickly announced to the restaurant what happened and asked if everyone was alright. Everyone said they were, police said, until an 80-year-old woman seated at a nearby table said her back ached. Friends looked at her back and found a bullet had entered through her shoulder and passed out her chest.
Guns and stupid, guns and stupid,
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you, brother,
You can’t have one without the other.
A Picture Is Worth 0
Know them by the company they keep.
A Flair for the Obvious 0
And this surprises you how?
A Notion of Immigrants 0
The Orlando Sentinel’s Scott Maxwell is fed up with Florida Republicans’ hypocritical kabuki on immigration and immigrants.
Scribes and Pharisees for a Modern Age 0
Connie Schultz notes Donald Trump’s recent visit to an evangelical “Christian” church and marvels at his new-found faith. A snippet:
The Climates They Are a-Changing 0
And I thought I was a bit of a pessimist.
Meanwhile, Bob Peckman suggests that, if one wants to discuss scientific topics, one might be wise to pay attention to science.
Devolution 0
The slide back into the primordial ooze continues apace.
More primordial ooze at the link.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Show off your politeness that all may see.
They told officers the weapon fired by accident and grazed Garcia but Garry was struck in the hand and leg.