From Pine View Farm

March, 2020 archive

American PoliSci 101 0

MAGA-hat wearing man riding brightly decorated unicorn-like rocking horse labeled

Via Job’s Anger.


Bunny Hop, Viral Version 0

Donald Trump as the Easter Bunny, hopping along as coronaviruses bounce out his Easter basked, saying,

Click for the original image.


Held Heath Hostage 0



Last night, we watched an episode of Cheers, a sitcom from the ’80s, in which a subplot involved a $683.00 emergency room bill.

Good times.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another responsible gun owner discharges his responsibility.

It was an accidental discharge, according to (Sedgwick County, Kansas Police Chief–ed.) Ramsay. The man shot himself in the leg while removing gun from his pocket.



Omar Sharif:

Working gets in the way of living.


And Now for a Musical Interlude 0


Lurking from Home 0

El Reg reports on the intrusiveness of the Zoom app, which is trending as more and more persons use it to work from home in these viral times. A snippet:

And he (Doc Searls, who was interviewed for the story–ed.) concluded: “Zoom is in the advertising business, and in the worst end of it: the one that lives off harvested personal data.

“What makes this extra creepy is that Zoom is in a position to gather plenty of personal data, some of it very intimate (for example with a shrink talking to a patient) without anyone in the conversation knowing about it. (Unless, of course, they see an ad somewhere that looks like it was informed by a private conversation on Zoom.)”

Read the rest, then pick up the landline.


Remain Calm. There Is Nothing To See Here. 0

However, our nearby Waffle House is among the closed.


Plandemic 0


Republican Family Values, “Honor Thy Mother and Thy Father” Dept., Reprise 0

Old lady in car shouts out window to pets,

Connie Schultz takes issue with the notion promoted by some right-wing nutjobs figures that old folks should off themselves via the coronavirus for the sake of the Dow-Jones average. A snippet:

I can’t name a single grandmother of my acquaintance who wants to throw away her life to save companies like Hobby Lobby, which has insisted on remaining open during this pandemic.

The craft company also told its managers to “make every effort to continue working the employees” while denying those same employees sick leave.


The phrase, “working the employees,” tells you all you need to know about how Hobby Lobby views the persons they employ.


Goldman’s Sacks 0


Trial Separation 0

Caption:  Social Distancing We Should Try.  Image:  Donald Trump and podium, separated by a line labeled


The Cost of Living 0

Werner Herzog’s Bear argues that it’s lower than you think in the United States. In fact, suggests he, life is cheap in America.




Circumstances rule men; men do not rule circumstances.


Don’t Look! 0

You might see something.

This is a classic example of treating the symptom, not the cause.

Words fail me.


A Glimmer of Sunshine 0

Bob Molinaro. sportswriter extraordinaire, looks on the bright side:

(Major League Commissioner Rob–ed.) Manfred said this week that baseball is “probably not gonna be able to do” a 162-game schedule. So what he’s saying is, it’s less likely that the Orioles will lose 100 games again.


Masked Marauding 0

Farhad Manjoo investigates why an item so simple as a medical face mask is suddenly unobtainable, and the answer is all about the next quarterly report. It’s what Harry Shearer’s guest on Le Show, Matt Stoller, referred to as the “financialization” of business.

Here’s a bit; follow the link for the rest.

What a small, shameful way for a strong nation to falter: For want of a 75-cent face mask, the kingdom was lost.

I am sorry to say that digging into the mask shortage does little to assuage one’s sense of outrage. The answer to why we’re running out of protective gear involves a very American set of capitalist pathologies — the rise and inevitable lure of low-cost overseas manufacturing, and a strategic failure, at the national level and in the health care industry, to consider seriously the cascading vulnerabilities that flowed from the incentives to reduce costs.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Ensure that your children have the opportunity to be polite to each other.


Gamed 0


Charting the Coarse 0

Dr. Fauci looking at a chart showing two curves, one a gentle swell labled

Click for the original image.

From Pine View Farm
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