May, 2020 archive
Return No to “Normal”
Werner Herzog’s Bear does not want to go back to “normal.” A snippet:
Follow the link for the entire piece.
An Impotent Poseur? 0
Steven M. is darkly optimistic.
Methinks he has a point; his prediction is consistent with precedent.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Demonstrate politeness to those doing honest labor.
Vainuku said the arrested man was “next to the house where the work was being done” and had previously complained about noise because of Martinez’s work. Martinez had performed jobs at the home several times before, Vainuku said.
Suborning Violence 0
The SPLC calls out Donald Trump’s tweet of approval.
Betty Cracker (nom de blog) at Balloon Juice:
It’s so confusing when creeping authoritarianism arrives not in jackboots but in a . . . diaper.
Going Viral on the Disinformation Superhighway 0
After examining what percentage of tweets about the coronavirus contain misinformation and downright falsehoods (hint: far too much), Phil Reed, writing at Psychology Today Blogs, moves on to examine why others pick them up and spread them. His answer will not bolster your faith in humans as rational creatures (but, these days, what does?). Here’s the nub; follow the link for the evidence and citations (emphasis added):
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Be polite to your neighbors.
The bullet? Shot through her ceiling.
The man living above her was arrested. Police say he was putting a gun down, when it accidentally went off and shot through the floor.
And another gun that fires on its ownsome . . . .
Summary Injustice 0
At, John Archibald, a white (like me) American, points the finger.
Here’s his conclusion; follow the link for his reasoning:
This is on you, White America.
On me.
Twits on Twitter 0
Twits who would invoke Deuteronomy 22:20-21.
Words fail me.
My first inclination is to put this down to an elaborate hoax, but, given the current state of our polity . . . .