From Pine View Farm

May, 2020 archive

The Epidemiologist and the Magic Elixirs, Reprise 0


The Reopening 0

Title:  Concession at the Prudent Gulch Bridge.  Image:  Bridge out, with barriers down and signs saying,

Click for the original image.


A Question of Identity 0



The Epidemiologist and the Magic Elixirs 0

Susan Estrich remarks on Donald Trump’s susceptibility to (reputed) miracle cures.

Read more »



Akiro Kurosawa:

Human beings are unable to be honest with themselves about themselves.


And Now for a Musical Interlude 0


Guilty Until Proven Innocent 0

Using the killing in Brunswick, Georgia, of Ahmaud Arbery as a starting point, Jennifer Rae Taylor and Kayla Vinson explore the history of lynching in America. An excerpt:

Like many lynching victims of generations past, Arbery was a black man targeted by white men who, though not police, felt empowered to wield weapons, demand answers and then kill him when he did not submit.

“[The South’s] police system,” scholar W.E.B. Du Bois wrote in 1903, “was arranged to deal with Blacks alone, and tacitly assumed that every white man was ipso facto a member of that police.”

Even after death, Arbery was denied the status of victim, and his killers were shielded from being treated as suspects. As during the lynching era, the mere claim that the dead black man deserved what he got was enough to satisfy the authorities and absolve the undisputed killers. In hundreds of the lynchings EJI (the Equal Justice Institute–ed.) has documented, the victims’ names are not known because newspaper reports did not bother to investigate even that deeply.

I commend the full article to your attention.


A President Goes Postal 0

Donald Trump recoils from a mail-in ballot, yelling,

Click for the original image.


Lowering the Barr 0

William Barr at his desk at the Department of Justice perusing documents.  On his desk are two boxes, one labeled

Via Juanita Jean.


Gutting Out the Vote, Part Eleventy-Six 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

This driver was ever so polite in so many different ways.


Numbers Gaming, Reprise 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Matthew Edlund untangles the numbers about COVID-19 testing and fatalities and what they say about the Trump administration’s failure to deal with the pandemic. A nugget (emphasis added):

When Covid-19 hit, the CDC warned people like University of Washington researcher Rachel Chu not to find out who was sick and dying, or they would lose their grants or go to jail. The real, unofficial message—we can’t have an epidemic if we prevent people from studying it. The CDC then refused WHO Covid-19 testing kits, demanding to use its own. The tests it made were hopelessly contaminated and useless. When the time came to obtain needed reagents to make new tests, we were last on the international lists.

Lots of people died.

Now when people around the world call the CDC no one calls back.



Desmond Tutu:

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.


Numbers Gaming 0

Matthew Fleischer looks at Georgia’s game of three-card monte with COVID-19 stats. An excerpt:

And yet Georgia’s flattening curve defied all scientific logic. Pandemics don’t end because the economy is suffering and we want them to.

And yet data don’t lie. Or do they?

Thanks to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, we now know things did indeed look too good to be true.

Georgia’s coronavirus numbers looked so rosy because officials misrepresented the data in such a way it’s difficult to believe it wasn’t done on purpose.


One of the links to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the one cited around the phrase “misrepresented the data” in the excerpt above, is broken. Try this one instead.


An Unthinkable Thought 0

I fear that El Jefe may be onto something.


From Sizzle to Fizzle 0

David discusses the how the air came out of Donald Trump’s trumped-up (you will pardon the expression) Obamagate balloon.


Twits on Twitter 0

Twitter bots go coronaviral.


Mailing It In 0

The well of Trumpian hypocrisy runs deep.


Facebook Frolics 0

Racism going coronaviral frolics.


The New Hires 0

Via The Bob Cesca Show Blog.
