June, 2020 archive
Cogito Ergo Dumb 0
Via Job’s Anger.
The Truth Will Out . . . . 0
At the Idaho State Journal, Leonard Hitchcock points out that, from time to time, Donald Trump speaks the truth, to the discomfiture of his dupes, symps, and fellow travelers. A snippet:
So, contrary to the party-line that he supports, which focuses entirely on the “fraud” allegation, Trump admits that mail-in-voting is likely to increase voter participation, and when that happens, Democrats will win. In other words, he has acknowledged that the real reason Republicans have tried, in a variety of ways, to suppress voter participation is that they are afraid of losing elections.
The Discovery 0
Thom and Joe Madison discuss Donald Trump’s “discovery” of Juneteenth, the Tulsa riots, and related issues.
It occurs to me that much of what is commonly referred to as “white fragility” results from white folks’ reluctance/refusal/unwillingness to face up to what their ancestors and fellow white folks and even they themselves have done to the various “others” in our society.
So they pretend it never happened or if it happened didn’t/doesn’t matter or happened so long ago that it doesn’t matter any more, even as it continues to happen every day.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Secure security, politely.
The gun discharged by accident, striking the young man in the leg, said Lt. Dennis Garren, police spokesman.
The End of the Common Good 0
Ed at Gin and Tacos is less than sanguine about the ability of Americans to take collective action when collective action is required, say, for example, just to pick one, during a public health emergency. Here’s a bit of his post:
And here we are, taking a purely individualistic approach – the do as thou wilt rule – to a basic collective action problem. It is idiotic and nonsensical on the most basic level possible, and here we are. We tried some collective action for a couple weeks, people got bored and business owners got mad because they weren’t able to force their employees back to work and their customers back to shopping, and then we just decided that the collective action problem no longer required collective action. Not that it went away – that it simply wasn’t a thing we needed to plan and execute a collective response to anymore. We didn’t solve the problem so much as we simply decided it is not a problem anymore, or that it is, but we are powerless to stop it, but I guess we aren’t powerless, but ok I guess what we really mean is we just don’t want to.
“Systemic” Explored 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, The Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research has posted an article discussing an upcoming paper that explores the elements of racism in American society. The post starts out by pointing out that racism in much more than liking or disliking persons because of the color of their skins. Here’s a bit (emphasis added); follow the link for the rest.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
When traversing the nation’s thoroughfares, let courtesy accompany you in the passenger seat.
Geeking Out 0
The XScreenSaver Hydrostat screen saver on Ubuntu MATE.