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October 11, 2020 at 2:49 am
Every couple of years I give Linux a go. Never got it working yet. But even a rank amateur can instal Windows. Perhaps one day Linux will be as easy, but I’ve been saying that for two decades.
October 11, 2020 at 10:11 pm
Actually, linux is pretty easy, much easier than it was when I started with it, but it is different.
Me, I started with Slackware v. 10, and found it so easy that I installed it three times that first day . . . . (The install went fine, but Frank made some mistakes.) When I started using it, I had no issues with the command line, but I’m an old DOSsy, and DOS was command line. It’s easier to avoid the command line now, but, frankly, the command line is always faster, if you know the commands (that was true under DOS also). I’m curious as to what distros you have tried; feel free to email me at (I don’t have an email link on the site because of background stuff.)
I will suggest this link to you, from my favorite Linux forum:
If you have any questions, you can find me there almost any evening.
Other helpful sites include Going Linux and Lifewire (used to be–it’s where I learned CSS).