From Pine View Farm

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

The hunt for politeness never seems to end.

And, in more news of the polite . . . .


Back when I was a young ‘un growing up on Pine View Farm, my aunt and her children (and later her son-in-law), would join us for Thanksgiving dinner at the farm (Christmas Eve would be celebrated at her house). Her husband (who unfortunately passed away before his time when I was eight), son, and son-in-law were avid hunters and, after Thanksgiving dinner, would go hunting for squirrels or rabbits in the woods, off to the left and out of the picture above (yes, Pine View Farm is a real place).

And they never shot anything other than their quarry, if they shot anything at all. My cousin did not mistake his brother-in-law’s orange vest for a squirrel’s bushy tail or a rabbit’s long ears nor vice versa. And they never shot themselves. And, on those times when I walked with them, they never shot me.

All they shot, if they shot anything, was the occasional squirrel or rabbit.

Because they were indeed members of the seemingly now extinct breed, actual responsible gun owners, not the NRA oxymorons; they knew the danger guns posed and treated their weapons with care and caution, not as macho masculine appendages amplifying their own–oh, never mind.


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From Pine View Farm
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