From Pine View Farm

November, 2020 archive

The Protocols of the Elders of Newt 0

They’re not even trying to hide it any more.


It’s All about the Branding 0

Steve M. explains why he thinks Donald Trump will not concede the election to Joe Biden. A nugget:

In part, this is because he can’t bear the thought of being a loser. But it’s also because conceding would destroy the brand he’s built since he announced his candidacy in 2015.

Follow the link for his full argument.


All the News that Fits 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Chrysalis L. Wright explores the effect that fake news may have on the aftermath of the recent presidential election. She notes Donald Trump’s reaction to his losing it and is less than sanguine over the possibilities. A snippet:

Trump immediately began filing lawsuits in battleground states. Claims in these lawsuits have included that poll watchers were not able to observe ballot counting in Pennsylvania, claims of voter fraud in Georgia regarding ballot counting, and asking ballot counting to stop in Michigan, among others. While it appears that there is little legal merit to any of these lawsuits and that they are not likely to change the outcome, many of Trumps supporters are convinced that voter fraud is rampant, that the 2020 election is rigged, and that democrats are trying to steal the election.

Follow the link for her prognosis.


For the Person Who Wants a Dose of Reality with That Morning Cuppa 0

Seen at my local Marshall’s:

Coffee with label saying that it is "grounded.".

Read more »


The Addiction 0




William James:

A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.


A Tune for the Times 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Once again, politeness becomes child’s play.


The Rule of Lawless, Batten Down the Hatch Act Dept. 0


A Picture Is Worth 0

Image:  Live your life in such a way that the entire planet doesn't dance in the streets when you lose your job.Image:  Live your life in such a way that the entire planet doesn't dance in the streets when you lose your job.

Via PoliticalProf.


Epilogue 0

Let the games antics begin continue.


A Trumpled Legacy 0

Via Mock Paper Scissors (by a somewhat circuitous route).


Bursting the Balloon 0

Frightened Baby Trump balloon gazing fearfully down at the crown of Lady Liberty, the spikes of which are labeled

Click for the original image.


My friend was moved to tears of joy by press’s finally calling the Presidential election for Biden. I wasn’t.

She asked me, “Aren’t you thrilled?”

“No,” I replied. “More like relieved.”



Samuel Johnson:

My dear friend, clear your mind of cant.


A Tune for the Times 0


Twits on Twitter 0

Prevaricating poll pirate twits.


Interregnum 0

What Donald Trump doesn’t get is that most people are worn out by all the shenanigans.


A Policy Statement 0

I find myself bemused when I see letters and columns in my local rag extolling Donald Trump’s “policies.”

The concept of policy implies concerted, rational actions towards achieving a specific purpose.

I have seen no “Trump policies” in the four years of the Trumpling.

I have seen only bigotry, blather, and blame.


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

Trumpling text messages tempt terrorist tactics.


Florida Man . . . 0

. . . loses his head.
