November, 2020 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
A responsible gun owner sees to it that politeness goes to the dogs.
The Interferer-in-Chief 0
Nickolas Kristoff notes the subversion. A nugget (emphasis added):
And a lot of damn fools are taking the bait.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Another responsible gun owner defends his hearth and home.
He opened the door and opened fire with his handgun, striking her once, according to the sheriff’s office. The woman, who was pregnant with the couple’s second child, was taken to the hospital where she later died.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
Vetting the Vote 0
PoliticalProf decodes de code.
The Flailure 0
Via Juanita Jean.
Poll Watchers 0
Via SFGate comes a Washington Post article exploring a brief history of political polling in the U. S., as well as of pollsters’ history of blowing it big time in presidential elections.
And PoliticalProf offers a link to an article exploring why the polls were, as my old boss would have said, in error and why they may never be right again.
A Bananas Republic 0
I have a nagging bad feeling that I just can’t shake.
I find it hard to see this as anything other than a clumsy attempt at a coup d’etat by a weakling who’s a wannabe strong man.