From Pine View Farm

November, 2020 archive

Facebook Frolics 0

False flag frolics.


Stray Thought 0

The telly-phone has been mercifully quiet today.


A Picture Is Worth 0

Uncle Sam wearing an

Click to view the original image.



And now for a bit of good news . . . .


Gutting Out the Voting Booths 0

Grant Marek, writing at SFGate, runs the numbers. A snippet:

Especially compared to San Francisco, where 190 garages in the city are turned into polling places, and there are 588 total voting locations for just under 900,000 people, which equals one polling location for every 1,579 people in the city.

Compare that to Fulton County in Georgia (which includes Atlanta): There are 255 polling places for more than 1 million people, or 1 polling place for every 4,172 voters.

More numbers at the link.


Idiots on Instagram 0

The benefits of “social” media manifest themselves once again.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Be polite to your friends.


Still True Today 0

Rat asks Goat,

Click for the original image.



Virginia Woolf:

To enjoy freedom we have to control ourselves.


Stray Thought 0

I’m not going to waste my time–or my nerves–sitting up to listen to returns. I’ll read about them tomorrow.

I’m upset enough already.

Instead, I shall watch an episode of Midsomer Murders and pretend that I live in a civilized society.


And Now for a Musical Interlude 0


Twits on Twitter 0

Hate-full twits.


Red Wave 0

Donald Trump looking at map of the U. S. with red smeared across most of the middle says,

Click for the original image.


Dance Craze 0

I guess it should be no surprise that the most popular dance amongst Trump supporters appears to be the Jerk.


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

Trumpling the vote counters.


Gutting Out the Vote 0


All in the Family 0

No surprises here.



Anais Nin:

To lie, of course, is to engender insanity.


A Tune for the Times 0


Lost on the Disinformation Superhighway 0

Several weeks ago, The Denver Post explored rumors that spread on social media of incidents of voter intimidation in Denver, but which in fact were unfounded. Buried the middle of the article was this telling observation (emphasis added).

It started with political flyers in mailboxes that made claims against opposing candidates, Hupfeld said (Kelly Hupfeld of the University of Colorado Denver–ed.). But as social media grew in popularity, people realized its power to sway and “to really remove the foundation of a common truth from us.”

People are relying less on previously trusted sources such as local government and local newspapers, Hupfeld said, and instead on social media, where information may not be verified.

We see this taking place every day, as the newspaper mill is replaced by the electronic rumor mill. (The article goes on to recommend things we can do so as not to get sucked in the maelstrom of lies which passes for political discourse amongst twits on Twitter and frolickers on Facebook–and, now, I guess, twerps on TikTok and yokels on jodel and the list goes on.)


This is in no way to downplay the danger of efforts to intimidate voters. They are continuing, and not always at the polls.

But we need to live and vote in the real world.
