From Pine View Farm

November, 2020 archive


E. G. Marshall:

It is not only ostriches who bury their heads in the sand.


A Tune for the Times 0


Complicity 0

Caption:  Trump's willing executioner.  Image:  Donald Trump as the Queen of Hearts points to Alice, abeled

Click for the original image.


Ring Wraith 0

“Smart home” is an oxymoron.

A Chesapeake family is the victim of a “swatting” hoax after someone hacked their Ring cameras and called police for entertainment.


Through the family’s four Ring cameras, a hacker screamed, “Help me!” as officers checked inside the home to make sure everyone was safe.

Back outside, the officers realized the intermittent screaming was coming from the home’s Ring cameras.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Expose your offspring to politeness at a young age.


Rand Gestures 0

One might perhaps call this a paranoia of delusions.


Pitting (Self-Proclaimed) Middle against Both Sides 0

Methinks Atrios doth offer comestibles for cogitation.


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

Trumpled by the saw.



P. T. Barnum:

Money is in some respects life’s fire: it is a very excellent servant, but a terrible master.


The Quest 0

Diogenes searching for an honest lawyer on Donald Trump's legal team.

Click for the original image.


A Reading List 0



“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

The hunt for politeness continues.


Behind That Curtain* 0

David talks with Talia Lavin about her experiences in infiltrating white supremacist groups.


*With apologies to Earl Derr Biggers.


The Fallback 0

Title:  Life in the Stupidverse:  The Amp Goes to Eleven.  Frame One, captioned

Click for the original image.


Courting Disasters 0

The writers for Night Court would have considered this too outrageous to attempt.


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

An unmasked Trumpling.


You know, the harsh truth is that persons who don’t think like that, well, they won’t talk like that.



Richard Hofstadter:

Anti-intellectualism … has been present in some form and degree in most societies; in one it takes the form of the administering of hemlock, in another of town-and-gown riots, in another of censorship and regimentation, in still another of Congressional investigations.


A Tune for the Times 0

Over at Balloon Juice.


The Art of the Con 0

Brian Greenspun explores the scam. A snippet (emphasis added):

Without a modicum of proof or even a hint of meaningful vote discrepancies, Trump’s Keystone Kops are running all over the land trying to convince the court, any court, that there is some there there. But it ain’t working.

What also isn’t working is this American democracy, which used to pride itself as the one country on earth that exalts the peaceful and orderly transfer of power from one president to the next. It isn’t working because public servants who take an oath to uphold the Constitution — those folks would be the Republicans in the U.S. Senate who used to care about such things as our democratic norms — are AWOL.


So Much Winning . . . . 0

Rudy Giuliani to Donald Trump:

Click for the original image.

From Pine View Farm
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