From Pine View Farm

November, 2020 archive

Self-Reverential 0

Mariette Jensen suggests that five elements characterize the thought patterns of a narcissist. Here they are; follow the link for a detailed discussion on each one.

The 5 main thoughts that form the narcissist thinking pattern

      1. I am the best and the only one important
      2. There is only black and white
      Grey areas are a no-go territory. Grey is confusing
      3. You are with me or against me
      4. The only truth is my truth
      5. I don’t care about you, I only care about me


Remind you of anyone?


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness is a family value.


The Poison of Positive Thinking 0

At the Des Moines Register, Todd Blodgett explains.


Publishing a positive position in the presence of adversity is one thing.

Manifesting magickal malicious mentation to maintain manufactured mendacities is something entirely other.


A Time of Tantrum 0

Watch the entire interview.


The Unmasking 0

Frame One:  Image of Rosie the Riveter captioned,

Click for the original image.



Robert van Gulik, in the voice of Judge Dee:

He recognized in the manager that distressing type of witness, a man with no eyes and a fertile imagination.

van Gulik, Robert, The Chinese Gold Murders (New York: Harper Collins, 2004), p. 166.


Withdrawal 0

Steve M. argues that most persons will quickly (and with great relief, in my own opinion) get over the Trump presidency, with the exception of two groups.

He details the dependent and the dependency. A snippet:

Trump’s functionaries have injected so much Trump into the GOP’s veins that withdrawing from him would be the most painful detox of all time.

The other group that can’t quit Trump — as (New York Times columnist Frank–edl) Bruni acknowledges — is the media.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


Plan Nein from Outer Space 0

Family watching television, as Republican Elephant says,

Click for the original image.

On the same theme, the San Francisco Chronicle’s John Diaz minces no words.


The Stock Market Is Not the Economy, Part Tertillion 0

Bob Peckman explains at The Roanoke Times. Here are some of his main points; follow the link for an exploration of each.

Why are we among the world losers? Do not say that Trump was sabotaging our country. . . .

From Trump’s recently revealed comments, I think we can assume that he was telling reassuring lies to avoid upsetting the economy.


Trump knows nothing about the economy of a society, only how a business can take money FROM society.


Notice that the author said “take money,” not “make money.” Methinks that choice of wording was quite deliberate.


No Room at the Inn . . . 0

. . . in these viral times, at least in Minnesota.

From Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids to Rice Memorial Hospital in Willmar to Regions, ICU beds are filling as quickly as they are opening up. Statewide, 79% of available ICU beds are filled, and 26% filled with COVID-19 patients.

The state’s capacity of open ICU beds has declined about one percentage point per day the past two weeks — raising the probability that some of the 408 ICU surge beds might need to be activated in unused hospital and nursing home wings.

And, yet, I know at least one person in my small circle who has fallen into the well of believing that COVID-19 is a hoax.


The Challenge 0

Trump and Giuliani before the a judge.  Giuliani says,

Click for the original image.


All the News that Fits 0

A federal judge has issued an injunction against the attempt to reframe the Voice of America as the voice of Trump.


My first thought was that these folks don’t understand the concept of the rule of law, but I think that’s wrong. I don’t think they understand the concept of law, at least not as something that applies to them.

It’s as if Trump has released a flock of political Jeffrey Epsteins loose upon the polity.


A Bananas Republic 0

At the Idaho State Journal, Zac Gershberg reports from a troubled spot.



F. Scott Fitzgerald:

Either you think — or else others have to think for you and take power from you, pervert and discipline your natural tastes, civilize and sterilize you.


A Tune for the Times 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another responsible gun owner discharged his responsibility, and, this time, the person toward whom he discharged it is seeking redress.


This particular responsible gun owner reportedly taught gun safety to high schoolers.


True Believers, Reprise 0

Farron points out that “courts, unlike cults” require evidence.


Twits on Twitter 0

An unreconstructed twit.


Geography Lesson 0

I’ll let Noz explain.


One Last Shot 0

Title:  G. O. P. Intoxicant.  Image:  Liquor bottle labled

Via Juanita Jean’s.

From Pine View Farm
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