December, 2020 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Show politeness to your siblings.
One Thing Is Not Like the Other Thing 0
At the Idaho State Journal, Leonard Hitchcock feels constrained to explain to one of his colleagues the difference between “news” and “opinion.” Here’s a bit:
Hackworth chose to publicly attack the newspaper’s management and accuse it of political bias, over an incident that in no way implicated the trustworthiness of its reporting.
Follow the link for his lead-in to these comments; the article is well worth your while–maybe even a couple of whiles.
“History Never Happened” 0
Driftglass explains the recurring tactic of strategic forgettery embraced by the Republican Party and its dupes, symps, and fellow travelers. A snippet:
Just wait and see.
Trickle-On Economics: A Case Study 0
Bob Molinaro, sports-writer extraordinaire:
The Flood This Time 0
A doctor recounts how the pandemic is overwhelming his hospital, located in a less prosperous area of Chicago, and its staff. A snippet:
Follow the link for more.
Geeking Out, Seasonal Edition, Coda 0
The Plasma desktop on Mageia v. 7. Claws-Mail and Firefox are shaded near the top of the screen. The wallpaper is from my collection.