From Pine View Farm

December, 2020 archive

Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

E. J. Montini relates news of the unreconstructed, in Arizona no less.


Shopping Suggestion 0

Book entitled

Via The Bob Cesca Show Blog.


Gutting Out the Vote, Hidden Figures Dept. 0


Facebook Frolics 0

Image of an adjustable wrench in the shape of the Facebook logo gripping the Earth in its teeth.  From it comes a voice saying,

Click to view the original image.


Words and Deeds 0

Juanita Jean notes the discrepancy.


The Fifth Freedom 0

The writer of a letter to the editor of the Seattle Times has a question (follow the link for the entire lettter):

Many of those making claims of election theft are state or federal legislators speaking in their official capacities. One of the great things about our country is our unrestricted freedom of speech. But when did that right come to include the right to make knowingly false statements to the people you represent? When did freedom of speech become the freedom to lie?


Tales of the Trumpling: Snapshots of Trickle-Down Trumpery 0

Trumpled clergy.

At The Root, Jack Linly comments.



Nicky Oppenheimer:

Diamonds are intrinsically worthless, except for the deep psychological need they fill.


Geeking Out, Seasonal Edition 0

The Plasma Desktop on Mageia v. 7. The wallpaper is from my collection.



Popularity for Sale 0

It’s no surprise to those who pay attention that you can buy likes and followers and sharers (choose the term favored by your particular “social” media platform of choice) for your “social” media presence. What is surprising is how cheap it is to do so.

Researchers from the center, a NATO-accredited research group based in Riga, Latvia, paid three Russian companies 300 euros ($368) to buy 337,768 fake likes, views and shares of posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok . . . .

That’s about a thousand fake friends for a dollar. Never has love been so cheap.

Follow the link for more about the study in question.


Popularizing Populism 0

“Populism” in American politics has meant many things, from legitimate reform movements intended to improve the economic status of the “populace” to those designed to appeal to its prejudice and bigotry. Lately the latter meaning has been dominant, so much so that in much of what passes for discourse, the former meaning has been forgotten.

In a longish article at Psychology Today Blogs, Eyal Winter considers the latter meaning–the appeal to prejudice and bigotry–and the tactics that its exponents use to attract, keep, and mobilize their followers. Here’s tiny little bit:

And what about the populist leader? In all the countries where he succeeds he always uses the same dual strategy: On one hand convincing his supporters that his opponents are looking down upon them, and on the other hand generate (sic) sufficient anger among his opponents so that their protest can serve him as raw material for his insult industry. Trump has always enjoyed the demonstrations against him. . . . He knew that they increase the support among those who already support him, that it would hence increase their election turnout, and hence his chances to be reelected.

I commend his piece to your attention. It is a timely read in these viral times.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

TPD (Thomasville, Ga., Police Department) found a minor with a gunshot wound to the left arm, according to the media report.

24-year old Jarquese Harris stated that his friend had left an AR-15 rifle in the house and that his friend’s grandmother did not want it to leave the house.

Harris attempted to take the rifle outside and accidentally pulled the trigger, not knowing that the safety was off or that the gun was loaded, the media report says.

Thus passeth another day in NRA Paradise.


Just the Vaxx, Ma’am, Meets Dis Coarse Discourse 0 carries a round up lies being spread on “social” media about COVID-19 vaccines.

We are a society of stupid.


The Inoculation 0

image:  Vaccine vial labeled

Click to view the original image.


American Exceptionalism 0

David runs the numbers. (Warning: Short commercial at the end.)


Twits on Twitter 0

Seditious twits.



Annette Crosbie, as Amelia Plummer:

It is assumed that, as one gets older, one needs less, that all one needs is to be warm, fed, and facing the television. It’s all nonsense. One needs cash, as well. One can never be too old for cash.


Meta: Shaun Mullen 0

It has been a year.

I have removed the link to Shaun Mullen’s obituary from the sidebar.

I was privileged to have had breakfast with him many years ago at a small cafe in Newark, Delaware.

He was a friend.


Geeking Out, Seasonal Edition 0

The Plasma Desktop on Ubuntu MATE. The wallpaper is from my collection.



All the News that Fits, Reprise 0

The apology.
