From Pine View Farm

February, 2021 archive

It’s All about the Algorithm 0

In a lengthy post at Psychology Today Blogs, Sandro Galea waxes less than optimistic about “social” media’s effects on the discourse. A snippet; follow the link for the rest.

. . . social media has also incentivized some of the most counterproductive forms of human engagement, along with habits of mind which have not served us well. It has amplified some of the very conditions which can sway our decision-making off the road of reason and into a ditch. If, for example, decision-making is shaped by emotion sometimes the expense of logic and data, social media generates this emotion in spades. Platforms like Twitter reward content which creates engagement through provocation, argument, and a constant raising of emotional stakes. If choices are swayed by bias, the algorithms behind platforms like YouTube quickly key into what we enjoy, providing an endless stream of content tailored to our political and intellectual tastes. This keeps us clicking, but does little to help us see outside our ideological bubbles.



Simon Bolivar:

Judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement.


Geeking Out 0

Ubuntu MATE with the Fluxbox window manager.



Flying High 0

Eagle in flight

H/T my brother in Virginia’s Northern Neck.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

He ain’t puttin’ up with no uppity.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.


The Disinformation Superhighway Exit Ramp 0

Man enters

Click for the original image.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

We are again reminded that politeness is child’s play.

And thus passeth another life in the NRA’s Garden of Eden.


The Abdication 0

PoliticalProf explains how Congress has, for all practical purposes, rendered itself irrelevant. Here’s a bit of what he has to say about the House of Representations; follow the link for the bits about the Senate.

Increased partisanship in the House has made it increasingly hard to pass any legislation unless the majority party both supports the legislation AND votes in unanimity on the policy. This, it turns out, is largely the result of the Gingrich-era reforms that prioritized non-stop political campaigning for partisan advantage over actual, bipartisan legislating. Even members of the minority party who support a bill sponsored by the majority are unwilling to vote for it today since they now fear retribution from fellow partisans more than they fear the failure to legislate. One result is legislative impasse.


The Mess with Texas, Electric Boogaloo Dept. 0


No Place To Hide 0

Title:  They're Watching.  Image:

Click for the original image and the artist’s commentary.



Helen Keller:

I do not want the peace that passeth understanding. I want the understanding which bringeth peace.


Caught in a Speed Rap 0

Florida Man.


Q Knew? 0

Sam and his crew discuss the possibility that some of the persons susceptible to QAnon quackery may not be who you would expect.


The Fee Hand of the Market, Cruz to Mexico Dept. 0

Title:  Invisible-Hand-of-the-Free-Market Man holds an emergency meeting with Greg Abbot and Ted Cruz.   Frames One-Six:  Abbott:  On, no!  We didn't winterize our gas pipelines and power equipment after the last cold weather disaster--and now half the state is freezing to death.  Cruz, looking at his phone:  Hmmm, yeah, bummer.  Abbott:  To make matters worse, we can't draw power from other states because our grid is independent--to avoid federal regulations.  Hand:  Governor, that is a feature, not a bug.  Cruz:  Siri, show me warm weather getaways.  Hand:  As Rick Perry says, Texans will happily go without power if it keeps the government out of their business.  Abbott:  Yes, we must all sacrifice for the greater good--of the coal and gas industries.  Cruz:  Ooooh, I could seek refuge from this hell-hole in Mexico (I see nothing ironic about this whatsoever).  Hand:  But this is a disaster in public relations.  You have to go on Fox and blame a scapegoat.  I'd suggest the Green New Deal and renewable energy.  Abbott:  That sounds very plausible.  Wind turbines provided a full twenty percent of our power.  Cruz:  What could I even do if I stayed?  I am but a simple United States Senator?  Abbott:  But why stop there?  I can blame cancel culture while I'm at it.  And BLM and Antifa.  Hand:  Why not?  Tucker can fill in the details.  Cruz:  Well, it soundls like you two have this under control so I'm off to sunny Cancun.  Hand:  Are you sure that's a good idea?  Cruz:  What could go wrong?  Frame Seven, thirty-six hours later:  Cruz, talking to Hand on his phone.  Hand:  Look, just blame it all on your kids and catch the first standby flight home.  Cruz:  Think anyone will buy it?  Hand:  Uh, sure, maybe?

Click for the original image.

And, in related news (more at the link),

Like many other Texans, Houston resident David Astrein and his wife did what they could to save power last week, even while both were working from home with a 5-month-old son.

Having conserved power after briefly losing it twice during rolling blackouts, Astrein, 36, said he was shocked when he logged on to view his electric bill from his provider, Griddy: $2,796.85 since Feb. 1.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Self-politeness is the politest kind.

Musical NotesGuns and stupid, guns and stupid.
They go together like love and Cupid.
Let me tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other.


It’s the Racism 0

(Noz asked a question.)


Facebook Frolics 0

Jonesing for some frolics.

Via Atrios.


All the News that Fits 0

E. J. Montini calls out the con.



Josephine Baker:

Americans, the eyes of the world are upon you. How can you expect the world to believe in you and respect your preaching of democracy when you yourself treat your colored brothers as you do?


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Patronize your local purveyor of politeness politely.

Thus passeth another day in NRA Paradise.
