Driving While Black 0
Many years ago, in my incarnation as a technical trainer (training is training; the skills are the same, only the subject matter varies, though, natch, you do have to master the subject matter), I was teaching a class about how to implement a piece of security software manufactured by my employer of the time. During casual chit-chat on a break, one of the students, the owner of security business who happened to be a black man, told me a story.
He was visiting his mother, a financially well-situated woman who lived in a gated community outside a major city a little bit north of Toledo, Ohio, in the upper Midwest. He was running an errand at her request and happened to be driving her Mercedes.
The police stopped him because, for some reason, they thought he needed to prove that he belonged.
What, one wonders, might that reason might have been?
Image via Job’s Anger.