From Pine View Farm

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I am not surprised that the right-wing bubble is filled with statements and political cartoons attempting to place the blame for the temporary interruption to gas supplies to the southeastern U. S. on President Biden, even though it was caused by (likely Russian) cyber-gangsters and an American company’s inadequate security practices.

Fact is absent from right-wing discourse.

Anyone who has paid attention to businesses’ attitudes towards cyber-security has seen that security is often treated as an afterthought–a troublesome expense to be minimized–rather than as an essential aspect of doing business.

No, the blame for the success of this ransomeware attack rests squarely on the pipeline’s operator’s incompetence.


In the Tampa Bay Times, cyber-security expert Mark Khan’s article supports my conclusion as to where the responsibility for this security breech lies and offers hints for protecting systems from being pwned.


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