August, 2021 archive
The Answer Is “No” 0
The question is, “Can you keep it secret?”
Frances Coleman points out that, at least as regards “social” media, your privacy is indeed in jeopardy.
Maskless Marauders 0
PoliticalProf parses the pathological pretzel logic.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:
Ignorant men raise questions that wise men answered a thousand years ago.
Vaccine Nation 0
Writing at the Idaho State Journal, Michael Corrigan expresses his puzzlement. A snippet (emphasis added); follow the link for the full article.
When two state governors, one of whom is infected himself, put a ban on mask mandates even though face covering prevents transmission of COVID, does that not make them indirectly responsible for illness and the potential death of infected children?
Nor Any Drop To Drink, Reprise 0
Central Florida is facing a water shortage. Unlike the water shortage in the western states, though, it’s not from lack of rain.
It’s from lack of competent governance in the face of a pandemic.
Shush! 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Professor Rupert W Nacoste has some questions about why the who-shot-john over critical race theory:
Follow the link to see how he answers them.
Vaccine Nation 0
Michael Harriot runs the numbers.
Ripping Off the Mask 0
The writer of a letter to the editor of The Roanoke Times explains his decision to stop wearing a mask.
No excerpt or summary can do it justice. Please just follow the link.
Recommended Listening 0
The Clock Struck One, by Fergus Hume.
It starts off slow, but, by fourth chapter, quickly picks up speed.
Unprincipled Nonprincipled
David delivers an epic rant about Republican hypocrisy. And he is correct on every count.
I’m a Southern Boy. I grew up under Jim Crow and went to segregated schools. I took my degree in history, and, though my college did not recognize concentrations in awarding degrees (nor did it recognize minors, or I would have a minor in sociology), I concentrated in U. S. Southern.
I am descended from persons who, as the saying goes, held slaves; some of those ancestors wore the grey.
I know a racist when I see one.
As far as I can tell, the two unifying principles of today’s Republican Party are racism and greed.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Michael in Norfolk points out that Richard Nixon’s loathsome “southern strategy” is alive and well in Virginia’s Republican Party.
The Motive behind the Madness 0
Mac Stipanovich attempts to understand Florida’s Governor Maskless Marauder Ron DeSantis. A nugget (emphasis added):
Follow the link for the play-by-play.
Those We Ignore History . . . 0
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Gene Collier reflects on the failure of the United States to learn from experience, whether it be the experience of Alexander the Great, the British Empire, the Soviet Union, or even itself. A snippet:
Could it?
Oh, sure.
We’re allergic to learning. See the virus. See the climate.